Enough Pain-Ryan Bowella and Greg Poyla's Origins
I can do things that you only dream of. my stripes are far more than just markings. on top of that, i'm about this close to unleashing about nine years of bottled up rage on you, so i suggest you back off.""you think i'm scared of you?" he asked.
More experimentation
Amid all of the horrible torture he put me through, i couldn't help but feel slightly enraptured by the body i had only dreamed about. i wanted him inside me and my body knew it.
A Rediscovered Best Friend part 1
He could smell her arousal and it struck him to want to do things he had only dreamed of. hesitantly he traced her curves, leaning over to lick her breasts. he felt her tense up, then relax as he pulled away.
A Most Accommodating Host
Alden felt completely helpless, the love of his life was being fucked in front of him by a random guy, clyde was moaning in ways alden had only dreamed of and all he could do was squeak in pathetic pleasure as his cock twitched in his pants.
A (A Boy and His Dog)
But those were only dreams. now he was laying on his bed, with the dog at his side. he gave the dog a hug out of love. suddenly, he had the overwhelming urge to reach over and grasp its balls.
The Pissing Guard
He can only dream, really. he couldn't fidget. with each shift of his armor came the noisy clatter and clunk of metal on metal and leather creaking under strain.
Secrete Intentions
They were worn, much like a more than middle aged person that has experienced or seen things that most people would only dream about. i cleaned my face considering i didn't have time to take a shower.
The Reverie
It is the only dream i ever fully remember. none of this has been exaggerated or otherwise altered. i hope you enjoy. the reverie i am being led to my end.
Fursonalized, Chapter 2 - A Whole New World
. ;) a whole new world a new fantastic point of view no one to tell us no or where to go or say we're only dreaming [...] now i'm in a whole new world with you.
Sorrow and Joy (Part I Epilogue)
She had found a caring and loving mate and was experiance something she could only dream about all in one night. she trembled as she was nearing her climax.
The Mirror of Esurio: Snakes... Why did it have to be snakes?
The fox that was the spitting image of what he could only dream of being. he reached his arm out to touch the mirror, but he felt the glass. though it looked like nothing separated them, it was still merely a reflection.
Sex and Drakes and Rock 'n Roll
They live to breed and get stronger and multiply as the most fruitful peasants could only dream of, and they have mating seasons civilians have nightmares about.