Jan's Demon (or, the Lost Continent of Suburbia)

The thing depicted had been delineated using red, orange and yellow paint, with occasional fine highlights, using a spray-can in much the same manner as conventional graffiti, if said spray-can had been wielded by the last living member of a nearly extinct aboriginal

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Gold Fever chapter 1

"this division happened whenever these brave explorers encountered a new obstetrical to overcome, be it wide rivers, hostile aboriginals, the hill country, the great western mountains that one really tested the mettle of those intrepid explorers, can you imagine

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Mira 2 (headfirst and buttfirst vore, smut)

Though they were aboriginal in build and a very young race they made a name for themselves and some rose to high positions indeed. the seven-hundred-and-fifty-pound space weasel lifted its head to look at her and mira greeted him politely.

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Let's Hit The Road 3 - A Catastrophe

"holy abdication of the commonwealth aboriginals of indigenous australasia! we gotta help them!"

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Expiration Date, Part 2

The aboriginals of all continents have different words for the dreamtime." we'd spoken of this before, in our many talks.

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Wait For No One - Chapter 6 - The Storm Breaks

Was he seeking leadership of the aboriginal population? it still did not make sense. here in north america they were a miniscule portion of the population and owned hardly any valuable land.

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Iron Dragon Chapters 169-170

His odd instrument sounded like bagpipes, but instead of sharp crisp notes, it had a much lower sound and reverberation, like an aboriginal didgeridoo. the music was quick and sounded celtic, as tera starting singing it maintained that light sound.

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As he and tim climb in the aboriginal driver turns around to face them. "where to boss?" kalan looks out the window. "home for the last time." kalan tells the driver as he stares at kalan. "you a funny fella boss."

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Tales From Anthracite City 10: Delusions and Disappointments

A man of aborigine descent with his once neatly kempt black hair growing long and scraggly, jerome wasn't much older then either of the scavengers and physically appeared to have survived the apocalypse better then most, managing to somehow recover

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Siege (Chapter11, Act1, Book2)

He folded his hands, admiring the differences and similarities between his aboriginal upbringing, native american teachings, and the werewolf tribe of fenris.

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Redefining Status

I believe the part most of you gentlemen are most interested in is how i came to know abasi and erasto, the kangaroo twins of the anjabi outback tribe, aborigines, i believe they're called. two very, very fine young gentlemen, as i recall them.

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The goat Farm 5

Someone whispered to another, "gura means 'wind' in aboriginal." "i'd be happy to stand up here the rest of the day, telling about how we met and all that. but i think that's enough for now."

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