Team Violet 3: Questions
I was a grunt in team rocket and you were a scientist, and now we're admins and play by our own rules. kalos has a lot of potential and money, and we're just scratching the surface.
HSR Notes on the Void Warfare
Every 1000 workers requires 100 admin personnel, 4.8 million in total, of which each need one a for every ten, 480,000, and a further 50,000 higher level admin staff.
One Last Job
Kaya nodded in eager agreement, and together the pair of them began to walk out of the barn, preparing to cross the farmyard to the admin outbuilding and collect their week's pay, always a highlight of a friday afternoon.
The Sandbox: Time Loop Stories
"this is the tree of yggdrasil in which all of these said realities are held within, and it is up to us admins to help keep it maintained and stable." "and who are the admins?" zeek asked.
[Draconicon] Beta-Testers, Chapter 9: Dragon at Heart
The snow leopard stepped out of the darkness, and as the admin stopped a few paces away from him, rumiir had to force himself to not reach for one of his swords.
Beta-Testers, Chapter 9: Dragon at Heart
The snow leopard stepped out of the darkness, and as the admin stopped a few paces away from him, rumiir had to force himself to not reach for one of his swords.
Chapter 1- Dragon's Rest
Opening a channel on his neural interface chip, he distinctly heard the voice of the admin tech coming through loud and clear, if only in his head.
Game on
You're playing admin?" i asked fighting off a yawn. "yeah, have to keep the team balanced after all. it'll be fine. i just set up the rough framework for the game. the engine's a.i. will adjust things randomly.
Little late themed poem...
No...not even the mods and admins did awken, all was quiet on the uneventful night of christmas eve..
The light of the dark ch:1 rise of darkness
She said as she closed her eyes and teleported on the spot leaving me with two very over confident, arrogant team rocket admins. this should buy enough time for shelby to get arceus out.
Lu and TechFurs
It usually works, because the system admins aren't bright enough to know where the holes are.
A Day In Eternia
A couple of hours of admin for the maintenance crew of your district and you were free for a couple of days after that. you walk across the studio apartment, and the kitchen lights up as you step onto the cooler tiled floor.