Crossroads - Zack: Chapter 14
Zack found himself in a rather sour mood on Monday morning. Such a demeanor was not uncommon for Zack, but this morning he was feeling particularly dreary. He had been up very late finishing up a project he'd forgotten was due, and because of the...
Crossroads - Zack: Chapter 13
A fox crept slowly down a dark corridor, the wooden boards underneath creaking eerily under his weight. He visibly trembled in the darkness, though the flashlight in his paw offered enough light to get around. Every now and then, a sound outside would...
Work In Progress Section 1
This is the first part of a collaboration by myself and thundagger (
This saga is a collaborative invitation. input your own ideas! help the story grow! bring ocs to life, see what happens. i'll update the main story with a blend of everything and credit you. don't rush.
Counter Earth Chronicles Chapter 14: Left To My Own Devices
So if that makes me a collaborator and beastial lover i am." he looked at me in amazement. "by the way how did you know she was a bear?" i asked him. "we know things." he replied simply.
Gotta Cook That
Content warning: this story is intended for mature readers and the following tags apply: collaboration, [vic], [jenny], (smallergod), mature, short story, cowsune, hybrid, donkey, couple, fat, chubby, eating, feeding, belly stuffing, belly play, weight gain
Breaking Social Norms (Teaser)
Hi all here is my first post of any stories or collaborations i will be posting! this particular post has been written by myself and lukas moonfang.
Counter Earth Chronicles Chapter 33: A Chance Encounter
"a collaborator of the empire." "you misunderstand me sir, i am a loyal citizen of the empire." i said annoyed.
Big and Small
Big and small-=pudding of the month=-word count: 560022-09-23 a collaboration with smallergodjenny belongs to smallergodvic belongs to vic waite a tale of tasty transformation!
Tia's trials: Part 1 (collaboration)
So we worked on it as a collaboration. now i have never done anything like this before so it is probably messy. angel did a great job playing gavin and i did my best to replicate how i had intended tia. read on and decide if it was any good.
Smashed Balls - Collaboration with Linkin Monroe
_Hey everyone,_ _I've been working on this story for the past few days. It's the product of a brainstorming between me and [ Linkin...
A New Best Friend: Collaboration with DA1337WOLF
A goofy little story that i did as a collaboration with :iconda1337wolf:. ryan was in the hobby shop playing his favorite card game when andlat walked in.