Clans of the Masquerade Prt 4
Within the cult, ghouls are given a far greater level of respect than they would among other clans.
Evolution's Gate First Anniversary - Reader's Guide
.** evolution's gate is, of course, heavily based on a cult called heaven's gate, which ended in 1997.
Substar Preview: About Zanduchi
Many simply see them as a kind of death cult, worshiping a god of death. many misunderstand them as a group that wishes life to end, to the point that the church is banned within several cities. this is simply not the case.
Order of Pengu #3
You have a cult and i want to join." "rika, i'm not letting you join my cult. yeah we need members, but you are twelve years old." "i'm thirteen and i bet i know more about the occult than anyone you have in your order right now."
(Oc)Cult Friends 7
._ but if he wanted that, surely a blessed could just take it...unless there were greater divisions at the top of the cult than he had realized? if that was the case, maybe this cult could be taken down.
Damned Babies
"okay," she began, counting off her fingers, "the order of the black finger is a satanic cult, right?
Play and Ownership
The cult was an invitation only type and held a meeting every month. raith was the type of master that wasn't afraid of public shows of affection unlike some of the others in the cult. she was impressive and many liked her for it.
1. Celestia
I'm going to reinstate the cults of virility and fertility." the princess beamed like a little filly. though her beautiful smile was partially obscured by silver's meaty shaft rubbing her face. "cult of virility? hmm..."
chapter 5; A night of surprises
Long story short, the last few years of the cult were filled with turmoil as darkrai himself started killing some of the followers who preferred the 'new' shadow reaper cult.
Urokon: History, Culture and Religion
**kalkar ascendant** the kalkarian cult became distinct from the vorholian cult relatively recently.
RIXANA's Sponsored Expedition 1
"then -" "it's not definitive, but there's a cult off the coast of florida. they managed to grab a large ferry and repurpose it to a cult compound for themselves.
Furry Terrorists - 1
Like i said, anything concerning this little cult is fiction, and isn't representative of my actual beliefs. but, it makes for an interesting story.