Welcome to The Real World Chapter 2: Q&A
cyrus stood up also, a staring match between him and beelzemon unfolding. 'cyrus, he has a point.' jason quietly said. 'what would happen if a rogue digimon attacked your sister while you aren't around?' finally, cyrus conceded, looking down.
When Tomorrow Comes Act I, Chapter 3
Seth, harry, and cyrus all made looks of doubt in response to that last point, and cyrus went off of richard's argument, "right, just think about it.
Nemesis - 1 & 2
cyrus laughs as blood flows down the wolfs arm. cy rebalences and doubletaps his right hindpaw before using the technique again. margulis dodges again but gets a light slash on his stomach from cyrus' folowthru. "cyrus..."
Stranded But Saved [Raffle]
cyrus's mouth hung open.
Everwinter Ch35: Mote of Light
As cyrus screamed i flicked my hand with a gust of magic, and watched the window slam shut with enough force to throw cyrus back inside.
Living Toys Ltd.
Tyson watched as cyrus suckled on that toy, his pants getting even tighter as his member stood fully erect. the toy left cyrus' maw with a slurp before it slipped out of site.
[Comm] In the Glade
The pair clutched each other tightly, cyrus filled with newfound vigor as he bred her. "you're so tight!" he told her, slamming into her. "cyrus... i'm..."
Pokemon Mystery Dungeon: The Twilight Brigade Chronicles - Chapter 8
Not even a second later, cyrus pushed his arm forward, tossing artomis down into the crater below. cyrus listened intently, waiting to hear the outcome of his quick thinking. instead of a thud, cyrus heard a slash from below.
Somewhere Only We Know: Ch. 2
Heads only began to turn when cyrus entered himself, pulling back his hood and sighing loudly with relief at finally just _getting there._ "cyrus!"
When Tomorrow Comes Act I, Chapter 6
cyrus steamed on the inside, his hatred of the vulpine general clearly brewing to a tipping point, as susan gripped the sides of his head and ordered him, "cyrus? cyrus, listen to me!
Bumping Lockers
Duke's other hand busied itself with removing the mesh shirt entirely, as his mouth and tongue wrestled with cyrus' own.
Pleasure on the Pelago - Part Three
cyrus smiled, but shook his head. "oh, i'm afraid that won't work.