The Furry Rebellion | Chapter Eight

We need to find a radioactive filter, and fast, otherwise, his dna will literally melt, fusing with itself, in a way that there'll be nothing left of him but a pool of water."

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Up Bright and Early

Everyone was still fast asleep, even as early morning light began to filter in through the cave entrance, the sounds of birds waking up filtering in through the brisk air.

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Chapter 4. Marooned on Earth?

"this is the filter, gelland has explained to grrellt and ferrowll how to operate it. we'll put it in your truck, then you're ready to go.

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A Timelord's Beginnings: Terry's Adventure Part 2

What... about the filter!" arsen waved his paw dismissively, "she thinks we're mages and i think you missed out on the bit that there are -mages- here! how exciting is that?!" terry sank back into his chair in thought... "well, yeah...

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Wastelands-Chapter 31-The Dead City Part 4-A Critical Plea

"uhh...", from that grill, james pulled the most disgusting looking air filter i'd ever seen. i'd seen some nasty air filters working for the supply house back home, but this damn thing had vines growing in it.

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Swimming Pool Shenanigans

Said cleo, "but just to be safe and to add to our cover up, we can use the net over there to clean up anything the filter can't handle."

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Retribution and Rape (Formatted to Fap)

Where the front breather tube would have been was a gag, a butterfly gag that's inflation tube came out through the front filter hole.

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469 On Top Of Old Smokey

A terrible patience, in the very rocks, in the diffused light that filters down from the outside in all directions, making it hard to tell what time of day it is, other than now. the mountain is waiting for something.

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Q and A to clarify things

They work much like ours, only the water flushes into a waste reclamation tank, where excess water is drained away to be filtered, treated, and recycled for things like flushing toilets/urinals, putting out fires, etc. 

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Savage City: Day Two: Incoming.

"here, take her one and this package of filters. each filter will last an hour, so make sure you show her how to use it if she refuses to come down here. the other is for you." nick nodded as judy yelled back at him to hustle to the patrol car.

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Cami's Courier - What's in the box?

Pain echoed up from toes to ear tips, even her eyes hurt through her eyelids as light filtered through them. every muscle refused to move without complaint as feeling returned to her extremities.

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