Dragons and Humans: Changes

The human's ability is too weak to recognize the signals from another human but not from a dragon. though they need often some practice.

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Only Human 11

The human and the bitch have vanished from the station, and the human has a new ally, a lion." "we know the location of the human." kilin nodded.

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Too Human Two

This created a small human sized rift in the time space continuum that stopped time and matter, which became a hole in space-time.

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Brings me to humanity

-anonymous- "sometimes the greatest examples of humanity are shown by our enemies in war-even if they aren't quite human themselves." -big fluffy-

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Human Anthro War

#1 of war my story the realm between the anthros and humans have been going on for years. the anthros were the more dominant species. sergeant shade bluetail and terra bluetail of the anthro army were war heroes.

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From Human, to Pokemon

The only ruby i know is a human. plus, i've never met anyone like you." she replied. "no, you have met me. i'm the human!" i looked down at myself. i was wearing a tunic like arrangement of fur that was purple.

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Races of Mundus-Humans

humans are before the great divide humans lived in other areas of mundus, so there are humans all over. this means they share cultures with other races as well as their own.

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Human and The Wolf Cub

Even if my mother hated the lone human in the village.

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The Human: Chapter 1

"human" states steven plainly.

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