Simone A Gray Muzzle story

Simone clenched her jaw, as tanaka pierced her maidenhead. there was a little blood, but there was great relief. simone began to rock to his thrusts, purring, and caressing his backside.

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First Encounters--A Harold and Beccah Story

He even began to take plunges with it inside of her, managing to get so far as her maidenhead. harold had to admit, with how beautiful he thought beccah was, he had imaged her losing her virginity long before he ever got to do this.

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Parson Ch 4

She slammed herself forward roughly, driving straight through alex's maidenhead, getting a spirited, full-throated whinny out of the mare, who bucked her hips back against the wolf... not trying to push her away, but getting caught up in the primal need to

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Kinira's Decision

Tazu arched her hips as he took her maidenhead, but felt no pain. her last thought was of scar, a lion she had never seen, before the climax came. \*\* kiara was stunned.

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Winters Union

That thrust had taken my maidenhead, but i wouldn't know it but for the faint touch of blood afterward. and he pushed into me - his claws sunk and scratched me, in marks that i had seen on the other rangers but never understood until now.

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Love of my Second World Life Chapter 10

I found the restriction of her maidenhead with less than an inch of my manhood inside of her.

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It was just so wrong, to have the cold body inside of her, pushing upwards, breaking her maidenhead and squirming upwards to her cervix. others were following the path of the leader, pushing to be the next inside of tracey.

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Another Day on the Job

Her maidenhead burst like a swollen grape. at the same time he slid in to three quarters his length before hitting bottom. he was tempted to short it up, but figured why bother? he wasn't going to be too rough on her...

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Pathfinding: An Adult Choose Your Own Adventure, Forty-fourth Entry

Unlike wisselfleur, whose hymen was worn thin with many small holes from her athletic lifestyle, leaving it ready to burst at the slightest pressure (and if urtan hadn't been so gentle, his tongue might have easily taken wisselfleur's maidenhead), imogen's

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It came for me in the dark

It was without hesitation that i surrendered to him my maidenhead. it had always been his, i felt, distantly. down, and up, i flexed my thighs and lifted on him, only to fall again.

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From the North

Achron giving a mighty howl to match her pained scream as he drove the tip into her tight entrance, robbing her of her maidenhead.

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Untouched Sands

She took her own maidenhead, clenching her claws on my back as her teeth bore down on her jaw, her head pressing against my shoulder as her body quivered against mine. \*ah! why did she-?

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