The Lost of the Marshes – Chapter 5: Intersection
"short for 'mongoose', yeah? but i never liked-" "yeah! little goose! i came up with it myself, hahaha!" the mongoose did his best to hold a sigh of contempt for the nickname, but it stung every time he said it.
The Dancing Diplomat
Among the wolves and foxes, among the horses and the donkeys, among cats and lizards and more, there was a mongoose.
The Predators of Rome: Doll's Eye
Shari was pleased, in fact turned on to see this pretentious mongoose in his element with his women. gio grinned as he watched her watching him, as he began to nuzzle her smooth feminine neck.
Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 9: Haunters Of The Ruins
mongoose there is movement from the lake!\*** overwatch announced. "alex!" corbin called from the passenger seat. i turned back at the lava flow we had saved the wild life researchers from. "what?" i said to the little mongoose. "i saw eyes!
Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 88: A Reality That Is Greater Than A Single Mind
\*moan\* the little mongoose boy said voiding his bladder. "i really needed that. um, shakara you can let go of me now." "nah!" the dark tan lioness said inspecting the mongoose boy's genitals.
Counter Earth Chronicles Chapter 89: Something Is Out There.... And It Has Returned.... (You Needed Me Part Five)
The mongoose said shaking. "then what do they have in common?" i asked. "they just piled into the back!" corbin screamed. "oh crap!" i screamed.
The Usual Bait
The mongoose grinned. "a royal pardon to all that put on a good show tonight." he'd said the magic words.
Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 60: That Which Must Not Be Said (My Place In This World Part IV)
Lady barq said to the little mongoose. "as if in a new life form?" the little mongoose asked. "there is so much we don't know about the invaders." the large badger said.
The Mongoose's Winter Holidays
Without a second thought, the mongoose was on his feet and pulling the back of his pants down. windsire slapped a hand over his face, but the stallion was too late.
Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 27: The Future We Lost
The infirmary fell silent as the little mongoose boy tried to piece his words together to ask the next question. "is it true about rumble?" the little mongoose boy asked. i nodded. "he gave his life trying to protect this city and all of us."
Slave Trader Enslaved
After stretching out his arms, the mongoose adjusted his vest so that it was comfortable, and did the same with the baggy silk pants he wore.
Counter Earth Chronicles Fallen Empire Chapter 76: Embracing Demons Part I
The mongoose boy observed. "um, there were some complications...." lady barq said. "and conflict." my warrior bear added. "so you had to bust some heads?" the little mongoose asked the female warriors. "quite a few."