Character for Shadowrun Story: Franz

When shadowrunning, he wears a black lined coat and a fedora along with the fundoshi to give a mystique to his appearance.

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Heritage of Ash, Chapter 4: Encroaching Shadows

Her hood was up to provide some sense of mystique, as the roads were often plagued by highwaymen and thieves, the shade of it obscuring much of her face from view.

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Memories of Green

Bioluminescent life forms lived between the cracks and crevices, deceptively beautiful with their vibrant mystique in a world of black. the cave creatures were ravenous beings, living superfluous, indulgent, and often short lives.

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The Dream

I went to school after Thanksgiving break. It was pretty normal, at least for school. I was picked on by Mike, Kyle, and their friends, but I just ignored it and went on with my life. I had always wondered why they picked on me; I had never done...

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Recursion. Arc 1, part 2: On the Roof

Hey gang! Welcome to part 2 of a little novella I've been finding myself cooking up. It will have a total of 3 arcs broken into sections for your convenience. :) This one is a little shorter than most of the other sections but it seemed like the most...

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The City That Never Sleeps

A slight breeze was passing by as Leo walked down the road of a new world he just appeared in. The road was unpaved and his surroundings was either full of very beautiful trees with their shade of emerald or a wide plain as far as the eye can see. The...

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The Traveller

Vorwort Dies ist meine erste Geschichte, die ich mir, inspiriert von einigen Filmen und Spielen, selbst erdacht habe. Manch Erzähltes mag mit mir in Verbindung gebracht werden können und manches nicht. Ich hoffe dass meine erste...

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Ghostly Cafe Visit

The day looked to be... an overcast over the city of Thunderpass, it's always gonna start raining in the afternoon or just about any time of the day. Cole, an average office worker Dalmatian more specifically in the design department felt like the...

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The Subject Speaks/Aftermath of an Introduction

 â â â â â â â â â â â â â â and trust me when i say that mystique can get you a lot farther than blatancy. i know.

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Harem Harlot, Part 2

Bath did little to calm her lust, nor did donning her finest garments- a steel-boned leather corset and a blue silken skirt, replete with silver filigree stockings and thigh-high boots: both only served to freshen her appearance, restoring the glamor and mystique

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Espresso--Second Installment

She seemed to handle a dick well, but there was also a hint of mystique in her body language as she felt me up.

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Snake Lords of the Desert 14

Perhaps once, it had added to the mystique of the room, given it a sense of wonder and awe that the elephants had used to their advantage, but now, it was nothing more than a drug den that needed a serious airing out.

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