HBF - Ch. 1: Warming a Cold Heart

"the next d-day, j-jeff traded him away for tsu-n-nami... because he was stronger. i didn't even get t-to say goodbye... and th-that was the last i-i-i s-saw... of... him..."

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Wartimes are Hardimes (Longer, Harder)

. \* \* \* jacob and dion had met just after d-day. jacob and his squad got mixed in with the canadians on juno, and it was dion's job to go and get him.

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You're Beautiful

A-and not every d-day...s-sometimes, not for a couple of w-weeks..." "wow...i had no idea... how can you stand to go that long? i-i can barely go a whole day without..."

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WereLords - Chapter 11: Twin emperors

I've held on to it since that d-day. it always helped me in tough situations. he wasn't really alive, b-but... when i met master and accepted working for him, b-bun changed. he began moving and talking and... saying all this nasty stuff..."

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The Rikifur Chronicles: Chapter 16 - Ice

** **"f...f...f...first...d...d...day, ...and...w...we...haven't...g...g...gone anywhere...m...m...maker dammit!"

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Expedition: Diplomacy

> > as an aside, happy d-day commemoration to all!

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Surprise!! - A Birthday Collaboration

"h-happy--ghrlk, mmmmm.. hatch.. d-day..!" delta followed sluggishly, coughing and shivering atop ame's unseen cock.

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Dragon Ranch: Three's a Crowd

._ it had been nearly two weeks since kyle had first had screwed a dragon, a date that kyle had jokingly started to refer to as "d-day". since that day, he managed to learn quite a few new things about the creatures he worked with on the ranch.

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Cheer Arousal

"one more d-day in this, and i'll explode... y-you don't understand how badly i need out..." "actually, i kinda do..." tolly started, lowering himself to his bag and digging inside it.

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Cohabitation - December

I...i was...the d-day you were...it happened...i...i was...god, i...i shouldn't..." he didn't have to, jake put it together. "you...you were gonna ask me?" "stupid, stupid...i shouldn't have said anything..."

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