USMC Ret. Major

I am mostly happy with my life, having grown up in a good, but not especially loving very rich family. i am worth $228 million currently but haven't heard from my parents since i went away to university.

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Forced Porno Lion Breeding

I am from a rich family and am worth a lot myself so my name will br known. i have no choice but to agree. and they have me sign a contract to do at least five assigned porn movies with options for as many more as they want. i am screwed quite literally.

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Her Emerald Eyes: Prolouge

Jennifer came from chicago, and had lived there all her live with her very successful rich family.

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First date

They weren't a rich family. far from it in fact; both parents worked in full time jobs, and barely got any time to see their own kids. dylan cooked his own food, disciplined himself and hugged himself to sleep.

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Domestic Temp Act 1

As a college student without a rich family, paul had to sustain himself on a limited income as it was. now however, the human has been coerced by circumstance and selfishness into a domestic situation that is unusual to say the least.

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The Pain Of Losing -Chapter four

family because i feared he will look at me differently and not love me the same ever again and i was right he started reacting strange around me really not charming and cool like i used to see of him."

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Cain Coney: Case 1, Chapter 1: A Lucky Break

Completing the picture of a typical rich-family dwelling was green ivy creeping up the sides of the building. i didn't wait long at the door. a butler showed me in, took my hat and coat, and brought me to a parlor.

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Chasing the Sun - Chapter 03: Making Ends Meet

Coming from a rich family, vilkas was spoiled at times. kevin even doubted he had ever thought about not having enough money for anything. he found out about his family when he took a look at the husky's photos, one that showed his "house".

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Watcher of Arceus Chapter 23

He knows it, but still the linger of sorrow remains, doing this to trainers who don't seem to be that good, most of them were there because they had rich families.

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New Journey Chapter 33: League (X)

The area's under a rich families control, so they don't try to catch us. and that family breeds tons of eevee and gives out the pups to passing trainers. in fact, i was one of those." drew said.

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Out of Retirement (A1, B2, C7)

And a few rich families in europe. who cares if we fluff our hours?" they can afford it." "i hope you've been saving it up," karla said with a smile. the mercenary lowered his gaze. "why? not gonna be able to spend it when you kill me."

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The Boy with the Wolf Eyes 3

"oh, hooray for me; i get to put up with a snob from a rich family while he throws half-baked, overused insults at anyone who happens to walk by," i say irritably. "you know what? i am tired of your shitty attitude kid.

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