The Eternal One: Awakening
Andrew got up and walked to a mirrored cabinet that held fine china. he picked the locket up and put it on. he turned around to ask how it looked but froze as he looked at zach and hugo.
Through the Looking Glass: Penance: Chapter 3-A
* * * miles was again holding on to tai lung as he barrelled throughout the landscapes of china, mountains seeming to pass by at a very slow rate.
The Cherry Blossom Warrior
While gin was mostly thinking of the sake of himself, po was thinking more so of the safety of all of china. maybe if they did what he said, the bull would spare the rest of china from his wrath.
Intermission: Japan to France
They made landfall on the eastern coast of china, and trekked across the land.
Bio-Morph FAQ 1
** the united states, china, the united kingdom except scotland which follows the letter but not the spirit, france, brazil actively participate in it.
Chapter 15 - It's Complicated
china. you know what's going on there right now, simon? civil unrest. the empire has been slowly degrading for decades.
Chapter Five - Clans
Once things were in order, and the china cabinet was loaded into a truck that was just for it, everyone started towards julius' place, with malachai riding shotgun to make getting there easier.
A Stitch in Time pt. 3
Using some napkins, he passed one out to each of the two ladies then picked up a small china pot from the serving tray. "coffee anyone?" both nodded and he quickly poured a cup for each of them.
First Love pt 5
'guy's are you ready come we got work to do" mom said "damn" i thought to my self and me and richard a slim snow leopard and i we got down stairs and we saw my mom carefully pulling out the antique china from the china cabinet, mom on what to do on wrapping
The United Earth Coalition/ The United Earth Coalition of Exploration
In china the humans tried killing the anthro dragons but thanks to their highly armored scales they quickly laid down weapons and accepted them.
Anniversary and Acceptance
Jeanette had always wanted to take a trip to china to take in the sights, sounds and culture.
Temeraire's Modesty
"and laurence, i am not sure how it is in your country, but in china dragons are certainly free to make their own choices in these personal matters.