Tina's Story Chapter 23 Of Men and Golf
Stan entered the house, where his wife sat, watching tv "well, look what the cat drug home" she sniped stan went over, and turned off the tv "georgette, this charade has gone on too long. we have to tell tina the truth."
Courtship 10: Pants As The Need Requires
"and samantha and georgette were busy this weekend. so you it was." the act caused xavier to look away. "ok, i don't know why you feel the need to get so dressed up. i mean, it's just that guy.
Syn's Bitches - Lady to Tramp
"williams ma'am and this one is georgette" antia smiles and approaches them "mr williams, i appreciate your concerns but i assure you everything is fine."
From Lady to Tramp
"williams ma'am and this one is georgette" antia smiles and approaches them "mr williams, i appreciate your concerns but i assure you everything is fine."
Snowbound; a Tina fan story by Dasher Cheetah
It's not like stan and georgette haven't enjoyed more than each other and i don't think i need you to prove the love i already know we have by complete monogamy.
Tina's Story Chapter 41 Facing Death III
It's georgette russel. i need to see you. can i come over?" "gee, mrs russel. i don't know. tina's a little..under the weather at the moment. " he replied, honestly "i need to....see you both."
Serenifi: The Video Game: Bonus Character Guide
Rita attire: none age: 20-something abilities: fisting georgette attire: none age: 30-something abilities: fisting. jenny foxworth attire: light-blue turtlenexk dress, purple tights, plain-white sneakers, plain-white panties.
Chapter 4 (Riley)
Her real name is georgette klarissa but she prefers ms kara. she's from a small town in alabama then even i don't know. she came to los angeles to get a better job opportunity and was an elementary school teacher for 4 years, this year being her 5th.
Tina II Chapter 13- If Tomorrow Never Comes
georgette filled in, watching the grandkids with her own, with some assistance from flower, her husband's pregnant saluki girlfriend. if there were any issues, it was decided that they could wait until tina's return. it went on like that for four days.
Protecting Rita (A Disney Short)
On a really wacky side note, if you pause the movie where the gang walks in to find dodger talking to georgette (right before tito starts hitting on her) rita is looking a bit "excited" as she's looking at her. ;) just something to enjoy next time you watch
1.1 Heat Dream - Dixie
For awhile it was considered controlled until reports last week that beloved celebrities including georgette, rita and dixie from such greats as 'oliver and company' and 'fox and the hound' have now been infected.
The Neighborhood Sex Club: Chapter 8: Georgia Stewart
georgette stewart, or georgia known to everyone else, is still a farmer at heart as she got herself ready to harvest the garden at her backyard.