Pokemon - To Catch Them All - Ecruteak City and Olivine Lighthouse

"miltank has been registered to your pokedex. miltank the milk cow pokemon a normal type. it is said that kids who drink miltank's milk grow up to become hearty, healthy adults."

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The Phoenix (Chapter 2)

I pull out my pokedex and push the button that dennis had told me to push. the screen on the pokedex shows a list with mirabelle and adalene's names on it. to the left of the name was the pokemon's level and to the right were the pokemon's stats.

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David's Start of a New Adventure (Ch.11 - A Long Journey Ahead of Them)

Once they were outside david immediately pulled out his green pokedex from his jean pocket and observe the pokemon world map that was installed in the pokedex.

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Pokemon - To Catch Them All - Violet City

"furret has been registered to your pokedex. furret the long body pokemon a normal type. the mother puts its offspring to sleep by curling up around them. it corners foes with speed."

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Jim Chronicles 3 : Cianwood City

He pulled out a blue pokedex, it only kept track of two pokemon, had a map, and a messaging system. grant pressed a few buttons and jim's pokedex pinged as a buneary was added to his pokedex listing and his party roster.

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Halcyon Univeristy 7 - Weekend Adventures

The pokedex's electronic voice cut him off. "lee," mike continued. "i'll be back as soon as i can." "same." ryan said before cutting off his pokedex. mike followed suit shortly after. "fuck my life."

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Trainer Tales 5

It suddenly clicked with me what the pokemon were doing and i was not at all surprised when i pointed the pokedex at alakazam and heard "confusion - a move used to disorient an attacker.

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Pokemon - To Catch Them All - Preparing For Wallace

While that was happening rotom registered the new encounter to the pokedex. "relicanth has been registered to your pokedex. relicanth the longevity pokemon a water and rock type. this rare pokemon was discovered during a deep - sea exploration.

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Start for a Trainer ch 2

When we got to the lab we saw a man "pretty old"lucario said with a smile ,so i elbowed him "ow" he said rubbing his arm. the proffesor suddenly looked at us "hello are you here for your pokedex and pokeballs also pokecard?"

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Winter and Fire

 â â â "let me get my pokedex." she wiggled away from him so he could get his arms free of the bag. he grabbed the pokedex from his backpack and quickly got back into the sleeping bag.

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The Pokemon Journey -- Back to Viridian City -- Pt. 1

He sighed and put up the pokedex to kelly and the pokedex activated, saying in a synthesized woman's voice: "ninetails pokemorph. it has long been said that each of the nine tails embody an enchanted power.

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