Archie Temple and the Lost Tomb of Selcatnet
"so, the lost tomb of selcatnet. another great success for archie temple!" said james, smiling widely.
Terratyx Chapter One - Resurrection
Aliciana milled about the tomb listlessly as they argued, seemingly without point.
Spell and the Tomb - Part One
**spell and the tomb - part one** "hnnh, fuck..." the stocky, balding canine grunted out, drool running down from his jowls and dripping down off his furry chin.
Final Chapter: Epilogue
He taunted merrily, as he ran back for the tomb. jessica huffed and ran after him. the husky-boy rounded the corner of the tomb and bumped right into something.
Geography part 1
It is filled with badlands and ancient tombs of bygone ages.
Wonders of Post Apocolyptia Chapter 1 - Trapped in a Box (Prologue)
He threw his entire body at the metal door, or what he thought was the metal door, trying to escape the cold and the dark of this metal tomb.
The Scrolls of Kapern
The scrolls are hidden away in the tombs of the nine knights.
From the Grave to the Cradle
#3 of breeding 1413 words an explorer in the modern age goes into a tomb to get a few likes, and finds his life changed for the better.
Zombie Gigolo
Morally, i'm destitute, in the tomb of ill repute. she's a rotten kind' a cute for a zombie prostitute. finally, i realized my parents were right. when taking a girl you must use a condom.
Greed's End
She was a fool to think she'd find the tomb of the gilded king down here.
pokemon world (FINAL CHAPTER part 2)
#1 of pokemon world {as the dark pokemon tried their best to hold back the many legends all they were doing was becoming easy targets to most of the legends while in the tomb bamut shouted and struggled in pain while dahaka in bamuts father grinned at the
Saphira's Dream
Thorn walked her to the entrance of the tomb. as they went to fly away, they both looked back at the tomb. it looked... older, somehow.