Bruxa 1/2: Breaking the Fast

Imagine a six-legged ferret the size of a tiger, and then forget that completely; bruxa, or at least the huntress that locals call bruxa, would be better described as a vaguely raccoon-ish beast the size of an armored car.

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Chapter 2

A few watched her out of amusement a few out of vague worry. she ran about like a child that got let out a cage after hours of just siting in there.

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Life-Cycle of the Phasefox

To elaborate, the phasefox appears most distinctively as a vaguely vulpine silhouette of white, plasma-like material, and somehow functions as living energy while in this state.

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The Peak

I vaguely realize that i've rolled to the side, curled into the fetal position; the rest of my body is on autopilot. my entire conscious attention is focused on the pleasure, with a vague corner occupied with keeping that paw moving.

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Your Name Is: Skúmálfar - Chapter 05

-well thank you for the nice vague lore bullshit. skúmálfar sneers. but are you going to tell me anything actually useful? ? smirks as he leans back on his chair, contemplating what he was going to say next.

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Aviophobic Entomophily

I could barely feel anything below my navel, only the vague push and pull as he sloshed in and out of me. once more he had kissed me, and likely the reason for some of my dreams.

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[c] Heating Up, chapter 2

She had other things she vaguely wanted to say--to entreat him to wait, perhaps, or reiterate her plan to get his ball--but then he pushed in and all those plans dashed away.

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Flipping Out - Ch 2

No one had 'picked' him for a roommate, which vaguely irritated him. he had considered himself a nice and decent guy... he halfway expected more from the test that elder holms had given him.

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The Delivery Boy

With his hands pinned to his sides, his erection had gone unattended to, and it stroked at her fire painfully, giving off a heady scent of maleness that mingled vaguely with her own.

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"Manhood" Ritual

Along with announcing teak being allowed to participate, they announced that the date of the ritual would be delayed, citing vague messages from the spirits.

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Thielwen's Dream

There were women too, she vaguely realized - their faces a vague memory of maids and kitchen-hands.

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