The Door (Ch. 12)
double checking to make sure that he did indeed have his keys and wallet on him as he left, he made his way down from the tree apartment complex he called home to the sidewalk below.
Good Enough/Crossroads Chapter 20
"like i said, we're just double-checking our facts to be sure that we know what happened yesterday. charles, isn't it?" chance nodded.
Simultaneous Past
But i looked at the tapes and double checked the time stamps of the session where part of the councilman's televised debate was quoted word for word. i am willing to admit that i don't know everything.
Were-Walton's Night Out
Once everything was double checked, messages answered and the place tidied up, it was time to go, closing up shop of her little piece of 3 story heaven.
Online Regression
He pressed 'four' and double-checked his answer. the answer was multiple choice, so there was no way he could type it wrong. the other answers also didn't make any sense.
Chapter 8: The Old Road
The trio looked at each other and double checked that they had everything before turning back to volke. "i think so." said sar'kal. he shifted the weight of his bag and smiled. "lead the way volke." he said.
First Love: Part 1
double-checking to make sure his door is locked, the husky slowly begins his walk out onto the main street a few blocks away. \*i heard there was a new drink place opening up close-by.
Burdens - Chapter 33: Reflect
He checked his belongings, and it was not anything material it seemed, but he double checked, and checked again. everything was in order. his pockets had what they needed in them, his bag was full, and his clothes were still on.
His Pledge
"double check for any disobedience, in the meantime this one will have to do.
Unintended Consequences
He muttered under his breath, grabbing the scroll from the table to double check the lines. even a single mark out of place could spell catastrophe.
Iridescent - Chapter 1 - The Catalyst (1)
I open the calendar to double-check. "what? i thought today is thursday." it's friday. i promised hunter to have dinner together. this time with his co-workers. something good definitely came up. why else would he purposely cover my tab?
My dream....
Dampening a small cloth he cleaned his ears and double checked his body, spending a bit more time near his rump.