The Boyfriend Transformation: Breaking Bonds

"pet time" was also a private affair- only for the two of them- if they company, or went out, mike could not wear his collar. in addition, mike was to wear as little clothing as possible- no more than his custom made jockstrap to cover his udder.

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Every Angel is Terrifying

A scant two months into my second year at university, i crashed hard and tried to commit suicide, a private affair i never told anyone about, and after that, i just buried myself in it--in my computer and in the life lived there, the life i was soon sharing

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Playing With Food

Having dismissed his help for the evening the large house was empty, he didn't wish to be disturbed while enjoying his private affairs.

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Subtle Eggs

In her mind her time with tyran would be a private affair, full of kissing and taking a long, long time. with hyro it was rough and passionate, over quickly until they caught their breath, then at it again.

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Phantom Chronicles Chapter 17

We agreed that once we both became sexually active that we would never snoop into the others' private affairs. he's with a guy and will undoubtedly be back tonight at the latest.' suzaku just shrugged his wings and flew around a bit.

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Pathetic Excuse for a Boy/Melody's Enslavement (Part 4)

The poor helpless girl didn't yet know that marcus had been invited to witness her unveiling; it wasn't until he waddled over to the side of the changing table that melody realized that her humiliation was not going to be a private affair between herself and

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I attend to his private affairs." "he sent you here?" caril paused, and his eyes narrowed for a fraction of a second. the angle of the wind shifted slightly, and a spray of rainwater met his cheek.

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Chapter VIII: Ideals, Part Two

Before him, the plastic seats of the viewing party were empty, this was a private affair, citizens and press were banned from the inside. and before him, the jury of thirteen sat.

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That Day, Part 13 - Heartbreak

Had he gone digging through the trash to pry into my private affairs? his explanation was pretty reasonable. "actually, it fell short of the trash bin. i stopped to pick it up, and then wondered why you had it..."

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PotS: The Opportunity

Near as we can tell, this is an isolated compound meant for private affairs. luckily for us, birrus the hutt likes keeping tabs on his competitors, so he's known about this place for a while. taking it down is a bonus for him." "good.

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What's in the Bag?!

"i was watching you during your date, i don't give a damn if you think it should be a private affair, i'm watching you like a hawk!"

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