The thing was the four brothers had no other relatives to fall back on so they got crafty and resourceful,staying with friends and in shelters finishing school (with steve and benjamin graduating early and mason being homeschooled by all four brothers).
Krris #7
She was crafty like that. it wasn't long before the argonian was once again breathing deeply in a sound sleep beside him, but it was quite a while before he managed to join her.
Soothing Milk On A Warm Summer Day
Having that information readily available meant that he was generally able to avoid being around, if he didn't think he could deal with her shenanigans that day, but lately, she was getting crafty about the way she toyed with one of her favorite customers.
Meet the Orca's (Part III)
I grinned, such a crafty orca, this relationship would be fun. "i see. well that should be fun seeing her again, although now that we have no schoolwork to do we'll have to find other things to do."
Snapshots - Raven Feathers
Wolf was a crafty hunter, and would never rush to his quarry. the waiting, the anticipation of being stealthily pursued... it grated upon her impatience. if he forced her to wait overly long, she would need to find a fitting punishment for him!
Taunted (Chapter 6 of my YuGiOh series)
"heh, a crafty cur. why not satiate both of our curiousities by dueling me." "i already gave my reasons drake, and if you expect me to go against them, then you only care about a challenge.
33 Floors Part 3
"but hiram serra is a very crafty lion who has on the upper floors created some of the most bizarre things you could ever imagine in a building. and this is so much more than a building. it's a metaphor for life itself."
Running in Style
At that everyone jumped into action both vivian and crone flew up to the ceiling and hovered there camo being as crafty as he was turned invisible on the spot i jumped up just as the guard flashed his flashlight on the huge hole made
Love Is... Chapter 6
"crafty vixen... gods, i love you so much emma." their kiss only broke for as long as it took for the collie to finish that sentence, then resumed with renewed intimacy.
Chapter 3-The Final Student
You are crafty and cunning, silent as the evening mist. your spirit is the chameleos." "whao..." "and miranda you posses the mighty storm dragon who brings destruction in its wake."
Angelic and demonic, his features were beautiful but how the expressions were sly and crafty, he was now with the body of the half-blood xix.
Vijaya's Pet-A Desperate Maneuver
But, the kobold is crafty, and she's just waiting for the perfect oppurtunity to escape. does she hear oppurtunity knocking? or is she spelling her doom? this is part of a series i did with kobold dell'arte.