Counter Earth Chronicles Chapter 31:Wicked and Evil

The second weapon inflicted isolation and paranoia, it made you think that everyone around you, friend, ally or acquaintance was against you- perfect for deconstructing rebel cells.

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Bound by Destiny 4

Her thoughts were broken when tenchi made a quick move in on the construct to rip the cannon out of its hand before ramming her own one into the chest to fire off a point-blank shot tearing right through it, leaving only the coding as it deconstructed itself

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Phoenix - Chapter 1 - Falling Tears

Robert remembers vaguely when construction on most of these buildings were still in their infancies, since he himself was also at such a very young age when mayor greenman decided to use the taxes to begin deconstruction on the already existing buildings.

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Wardogs Chapter 3

Caleb was already elbow deep in the mechanical guts, starting to deconstruct the targeting computer as i walked around the quiet machine, gently touching the unmoving ears, the camera eyes closed under their protective lids.

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Crossover Episode

And they end their meal with deconstructed banana split, or in literal terms: three pints of different ice cream flavors, a bottle of chocolate syrup, and a bunch of bananas at which they ate at their preference.

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Chasing the Sun - Chapter 50: Through the Snowfall

This way we don't need to deconstruct the five kingdoms of life :d someone had nudged that asteroid a little bit to the left, though. oh yeah, vilkas and mike speak in south icelandic with each other. * * * vilkas missed kevin.

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Truth or Dare Chapter 15: Dark Thoughts Embraced

Behind her the sound of the hall being deconstructed was growing in sound and growing closer. already out of the corner of her eye she was starting to see the white pillars beginning breaking down.

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Dreamer's Paradise: A small glitch

All occulus and several other programmers could find was that tanyars avatar had been killed the data deconstructed, but he was neither reconstructed at his starting point nor was he awakened from the dream.

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Scarred Angels

So much symbolism for leo to deconstruct thanks to the all too spiritual talks with his family. why did it have to bring up that stupid day of the dead disaster? tj still stuck in his ghost costume, innocence drenched in corruptive alcohol.

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Bladed AI Lover

"deconstruction. main support pillars were damaged and left to crumble to prevent reuse of this facility. the last support is about to collapse."

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Sunshine Scientist Issue #1 Pt 1

#1 of sunshine scientist this is the grand and glorious introduction to the sunshine scientist universe, a collaboration and smutty superhero deconstruction i've been working on and off for years now with vosyl.

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