waking dreams (poem)

why when we want to be good, we have to realize that the world, the one and only world we know, decides to rip you apart? the lonely screams run rampart, echos of those crying, we just march to those who are dying, to war we go. we...

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Impacting Thoughts

Love. A four letter word that can keep you from feeling alone. A four letter word that destroys your world. Perhaps a word with no meaning. or Maybe even a word without a soul. Happiness was our major goal. The whole thing is, I just can't let...

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Full of Surprises Ch.1: A light depression

Full of Surprises Alone, under the covers of a small bed, curled up into a ball, lay a midnight furred renamon. He had been there for the past few days, wasting away in that undersized bed of his, eyes swollen and red caused from the constant...

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Depressive Thoughts (working through writers block)

It is a slightly depressing story, and it does not have a happy ending, so don't expect one. (sorry) also, i didn't go over it a second time, so errors are plausible. critique is always appreciated, so enjoy, and tell me what you think!

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The Space Bimbo 8: To Avoid Depression, Aggression

"_that explains why you haven't washed._" no, depression explained why she hadn't washed. she spread her legs, letting the seed inside dribble out into her replacement uniform.

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Tocc's Last Watch

They sat in silence next to each other. neither eating for different reasons, one out of depression the other from concern.

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Seperation (A minti story)

I walk hand in hand with him. Through the greenest of fields and the most desolate plains..I am with him. Always. We've been through the most beautiful times a person can witness...and through some of the worst only the darkest recesses of the mind can...

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Finding Hope at the Bottom of Life

Also this story is very depressing but it ends very good, i'm petty sure you know what i mean by that though ^.-.^ this story is for [![avatar?user=92983&character=0&clevel=2](https://www.sofurryfiles.com/std/avatar?

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through the jungle (poem)

through the jungle we run through the jungle, never to know whats on our heels, we run through the trees. never looking back behind. we are found.. trapt.. like animals we run trough the jungle, away from the fire, and hail of...

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Lone Wolf

Misery, It is my company, My only constant companion, Who never leaves my side. I awake, It is morning, No one is by my side, Nobody to lick my nose. I sleep, It is late, No one is waiting, Nobody to cuddle with. Every day, Blends...

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You scrabble for your phone with your opposite hand; your usual hand is doing something unusual and is not available. Of course, it would be helpful if your hand wasn't wet and you could actually hold on to something. Finally, digging nails into the...

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Cant You See?

Can you see me Not what i appear to be Can't you see This smile isn't really me Its just a mask To hide the fact That im trapped With a body that doesn't belong Can you see Who i am inside Behind the mask That i hide behind ...

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