A First Taste Of Divine Claret (18+)
"oh n-no- i'm gonna~" "yessss" the jackal hissed through sharp teeth clenched in divine stimulation as she herself teetered on the edge of climax.
Gonz's Communion 2
She gropes for her divine mother's breasts, even as she is being shoved full of that divine member. the dragoness accepts the tongue and the two entwine, even as gonz's body is impaled by her impressive spear of fertility.
The Center of the Universe
divine pleasure as they merged with their deity.
The Favor of A Patron God
It is our lot to act under the curses of divinity, to walk under the burdens of falsehoods, lies, and cruelties that the gods have imbued us with.
The Guilded Cage, World Introduction, part 1
Ameil, the divine light the holy temple of ameil, the divine light is the widely followed religious house with the vast majority of the population paying homage (or at least lip service) to ameil.
Max and Xasandra
"you wish to show your divine mother your own divine powers now, gained through your service? very well. it is the fate of all life that the old will die away and be replaced by the new. do you have what it takes to be a god?
The Lead Crown: Ch 8.3b, A Dozen 'Tails' Told
Cruffington flew (and arlowe flew) cruff and arlowe are going to help save the sisters divine. umberto marino (and brody) umberto and brody are going to help save the sisters divine.
The Serpent's Dance
It was her purpose and divine mandate to provide praise to the divine nature of male virility and she would not fail in her duty.
Xasandra and Myre
So upset, that she prays for some divine intervention. seems that xasandra is willing to give it to her!
Myre's Rebirth
It's the sound of xasandra--the sound of their divine mother. the strange chimera being looks up and whispers in a soft and gentle voice "momma...?"
Xasandra's Blessing
I... it's nothing like our divine mother's." "and it won't be... until her divine son joins with her divine daughter, and the daughter loses herself." she closes her eyes and holds her hands out. "i wish...
The world of Aeurn: History of the planet
In one last act of divine power, palador's hammer struck the ground with unnatural force, as divine lightning split the heavens and rent the ground.