When the Master is Out
james's mouth fell open. "what? you're leaving the bitch in charge?" frosty cringed at this, and surge scowled at the raccoon. "i've told you not to call him that, james," the fox warned. james gave surge a smug grin. "why not?
The Seadragon - Lost in the Waves
Deniros lay down with a thump, signaling for james to come over to him. james walked over and stopped, seeing what deniros wanted him to do. "you want me to... ride you?" james asked incredulously.
Punishing My Friend
John looked on at james who stood next to him. he shook mildly in fear on what james might do. he hung his head in grief. "look at me dammit!" james demanded. john tilted his head up and looked up at james.
james lifted the bear out of its box and sat it on the living room floor feeling like a kid at christmas. really, he did. "hi, tedd-e. i'm james. nice to meet you!" "nice to meet you, james," said the bear.
Worm Thing 2
_ _ _i hope so_, mused james. alex was finally getting what he deserved. after screwing up and irritating james, like when he-- james pondered over how alex could be annoying.
First Life ~Chapter 9 Heart of a Lion~
Devon had asked james what he did, where he worked, and james never gave a straight answer.
I love you Krystal
Krystal stuffed james face in her cleavage. she did a vixen cry; james felt the vaginal canal pull on his penis as she orgasm. a while later james ejaculated inside krystal. she keeps a hold on james and looked at him. "i can't control that james.
Strength and Honor
james had to know who he was. "this is james... uhm... what's your last name son?" nemeyer fumbled. both james and alo replied "hamblen," as if they had known it their whole lives. james blinked and stared at alo, "how do you know my name?"
Baby sitting part 3
james went after him with the light. "what's wrong?" james was confused. "dane." yukon was bent down holding dane as james entered the room. james eyes widened. "yukon get away form..." -whack!
Say Goodbye
james said "you know prison is automatic for those who are insubordinate, james"? james laughed and then nodded his head. joshua dismissed james's smart ass atitude with distain then said "well so long as you know.
College Heats Up
She held the door open for james and said, "welcome to my abode." she made sure that the door shut behind her before turning to see james examining her room. "this isn't as big as i was thinking but, it's all yours," remarked james.
Paint Play
james let out a soft snort, looking at his boyfriend. "if one bottle turned us into this, what do you think another bottle would do?" james asked. "i don't care, i just... i'm so happy this happened james.