No-Nut Narrator: Dec. 1 (Relief)
#12 of no-nut narrator after an entire month of endless edging, it's finally, finally time for t'lak to blow his pent-up load!! can he and ajani make it past midnight? or will his blue balls literally explode first? it's the final fuckin' chapter!!!
No-Nut Narrator: Oct. 31 (Empty)
#1 of no-nut narrator for the whole month of november, i'm planning to do a little something i'm calling "no-nut narrator".
Lost Pokemon Episodes.
\>\>\>narrator: our young trainer carefully wraps the vulpix into his arms and runs towards pallet town.
Zarvaun Versus Charlie
Go." the chipmunk narrated."draw. mutavault and search ya for six life." "and before it resolves i'll spark jolt ya again to get a card out of my hand. you gain five life instead and take one damage."
Lost Pokemon Episodes: Episode 3
Hakuzo thoughts it best to do so to make it home quicker. \* \* \* \>\>\>narrator: so, now the young trainer makes his way home. as nightfall approaches, sounds of wild pokemon fill the skies.
Who Ever Said Friends Can't Fuck Part 2
:-) who ever said friends can't fuck part 2 **im going to switch between a 3rd person narrator, and first person narration from my pov. i may even switch beween the other parties involved to describe the scene from their perspective.
How I Ate Him
The narrator is basically me, but it's first person, so the narrator can be anyone who reads this. the prey is obviously male, thats about the only detail. and the vore is soft and oral. all in all, someone gets eaten, and someone eats them.
The Lifeguard - Part 2; Love Token.
You can pretend that this is maybe alex narrating... maybe at some later point in life - it's up to your imagination how you interpret the narration at this point in the story.
Pokemon - TOTGM - After Story Special - 20
Chris narrated sadly.
Neil's Tour (Vore Story)
Neil narrated, the fact that his narration relied on traditional descriptions of ruminant digestion starting to show! he didn't know how the reticulum would handle a more dense meal like the orca, but he was about to find out...
One and the Same - Journal Entry - Lunae, July 15th, Year 1355
~ Lunae, July 15th, Year 1355 of the Human Calendar I find myself writing in the middle of the night again, this time for a different reason. Since my attempt at _Dreamstriding_ the memory/dream hasn't occurred again, much to my relief, yet sleep...
Part 1- A Wolf's Bone
And for all you into literature, i would say that this is a pretty good example of the unreliable narrator.