Serenity Base Episode 1 Part 2
Bonnie had seized upon her self appointed role as leader, Uma couldn't help but notice, being the first to fall into step behind the stage hand as she lead them on a twistingly complex path that no doubt would lead to the set. Something that was fine...
Lustige Labyrinthe
Lustige Labyrinthe -Erstentwurf- -Chiba (Neo Tokyo); U-Bahn-Station Orochi Park; Traverse, Subsektor Draco Achelois; 23.02.2082; 18 Uhr Ortszeit- Mit einem lauten Ächzen, nicht unähnlich dem eines alten Mannes, der sich von seinem Stuhl...
Alicia's fight for a night with her Knight
Hopping back a step to clear himself of any reprisal, brian surged back into arm's reach of the slime with a roar, his blood boiling as he burned through his inhumanly enhanced endurance in order to strike the slime four times in rapid succession with his
Hypnovember 2023 Day 14: Slime/Goo
The bull grinned, his belly jiggling with the slimes within, his cock dribbling slime as he raised to his full height. he'd grown larger, the slimes had modified him into a proper slime monster, and he was magnificent.
Centaurus Chapter 21
On the gigantic slime.
Boss Bull vs Boss Slime a Tavern of Spear fan story
Axel was pretty sore from the slime's powerful strikes. the chief managed to slice off enough of the slime till it was only a bucket's worth of goop with a slime core drifting around in the center.
Comm for fireknightflame1: It's Alive! And Horny...
The slime heard the voice, but ignored it.
Presenting Polymer - The Strechable Skunk
"this isn't like my binding slime. this stuff is my very special consuming slime." "consuming slime?" as if to answer his question, the slime covering his torso and legs began to spread.
Scientific Inquiry
The slime thought for a moment, then kissed him deeply with a copy of his own lips, able to talk through the kiss in a slightly odd way. "scientific hedgehog captured my heart. slime love you."
Monster Cave Orgy - Bunny Bard Adventures #1
He was still busy rutting the femboy slime, but the added pleasure of getting fucked by a futa girl was a welcome interruption. the slime orgy just didn't seem to end. at some point the bard sat on the floor surrounded by all four slimes.
The Secret of Sex Jellies 7
It kinda came here looking for other slimes because, well, it's hungry, and... it has all sorts of notes and memories from all sorts of slimes. and also, it's really just interested in trying out things that aren't slimes to eat!"
Alien Bodysuit Maker Ch3 Saying Good-by
slime smiled as he dropped her back down in the tub, where slime continued to rub every part of her body in a slow & seductive way. "why, with your personal time my dear, alice."