Dragon Prince ch.1

Year 2469: techno city "daniel!!, it's time for lunch!!!" a black dragon said "\*sigh\* brb, lunch" he turned off a virutal world helmet and his medium-long black hair was moving side to side when he shook his head.

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Eevee's Journey: part 2

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ her head was booming like she'd never felt before, like a radio with a heavy techno-beat with the volume turned to max. she slowly opened her eyes, the light blinding her

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100 Aching Would's part 1: Introduction to Insanity

Blake turns the key, and techno music comes blaring out of the radio. "what did i say about changing the station?" demands blake. "oh calm down, besides it's much better than your rock music."

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A Night Out

A loud techno beat pulsated through the darkness, spinning rainbow colored lights across the throng of hot, sweating furs on the dance floor. it was not the not the music that bothered him, however, nor the absence of alcohol in his glass.

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Let the Vacation Begin

The sound coming out of the club was not what she was expecting, in the place of thrash or grind metal, the rhythmic beat of techno filled the air.

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Mare Dominatus

Within alpha's suit, her own techno-magical and intelligent algorithm secretly incanted and transmitted a report detailing the performance of this particular version of the pony play.

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The Prologue of Rocky and Rodgers

Nanaki4688: techno nanaki4688: and i guess i lied earlier rock\_hard\_coon: wha? nanaki4688: i have two favorite things to eat rock\_hard\_coon: ah.

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Advanced Haptics

Transgender, m/m-to-m/f smut, anal, vaginal, techno-magical tf. male human becomes a female rexouium. advanced haptics contains: vr, rexouium, protogen, transformation, mild sensory deprivation (?)

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(Prolouge) One Hell of a Trick

Action=view¤t=cover.jpg) _**one hell of a trick (prologue)**_ sparkle gave a giddy chuckle while her hips rolled in a slowâ â jaunt forward and back, her tail weaving behind her to the techno trickling into the room, and

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Guadalupe (1)

The dancers, anthro and human alike, adored their fashions as much as they adored the heart-pumping techno-house music blaring all around them.

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George the jungle Bitch (Part 1)

He looked around and noticed he was at mitch´s party temple rooms it was completely empty and could hear techno music on the background.

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Never Trust a Horse (One Grand Story for Glennjam)

The ever-looping techno beat pulsing through his body and mind.

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