Tank, on the other hand, was wearing a bulky winter coat, three layers of sweatpants, ski goggles, a toboggan, a heavy glove on the tops of his ears, and was _still_ freezing in the thirty degree weather.
Adventures with Janeway
We are to have a light meal and no alcohol before an early night, the weather is expected to be a tad on the warm side from what the local weather station reports.
Zion: Light of the New Moon, Ch 1.3 Shrad
"we cannot be denied the road by a little weather." the high priest grumbled. "calling this a 'little' weather is like calling your ego 'a little inflated'." the hyena countered.
The tourist guide Chapter 3
A lot more water, strange weather phenomena, even their solar system was different to their own.
Skylands: the Scorpion Spear, Prelude: “Winds of Ice”
They had been slow to depart granite heath and the weather had decimated their travel.
I know What You’re Thinking
I should have invested some time to a proper lunch and not just guzzle down hot drinks when the weather was of this kind. give me some rainy london weather any time, please, oh please!
Raffie meets his trainer
"a year into it and it has done well especially in this midwest weather. trust me; you will need a four-wheel drive with this upcoming weather. anyways, let's head on out."
Marshall's Love Adventure - Ch 15
The weather was hot, almost too hot to be outside. the hot weather, combined with the paw patrol's earlier mission, had made them all sleepy.
Hard Worker: A Slippy Toad x Fox McCloud oneshot
"yeah, the weather plating that he has to repair after _every_ trip we take out into that atmosphere..."
Iron Dragon Chapters 32-33
Now it was going to be a three way race between the other cars, the clock and now the weather. bad weather could be a blessing in disguise for her, mike and wes.
07: That First Job
"i used to work at the weather factory here for a while." starshadow said. she noticed dash's confused look. since she worked for the weather factory also, dash was very familiar with the pay grades for the pegasi who worked there.
A New Start As A Trainer/ Chapter 26: A Battle In the Gardenia (part 1)
"weather ball is a normal-type move that allows the user to send out a ball depending on the weather: it's really sunny today, that would make the weather ball take on the type of fire."