The legend of a warrior; Chapter 57: Paradise in your arms
Against killer's lips.
The legend of a warrior; Chapter 59: Saving Diana
"we will, lord killer."
The legend of a warrior; Chapter 44: Heaven is not necessarily Paradise
She exclaimed, and killer blinked before saying lamely: "dunno. my name is killer, actually." "i know! everyone knows!"
The legend of a warrior; chapter 46: The Monolith
Black killer grinned, and before killer could protest, there was a blurr, and the slightly-larger black furred male vanished. killer's eyes bulged, and he dropped instinctively down...
The legend of a warrior; Chapter 68: To the Victor go the Spoils
"i'm killer's toy, killer's whore, killer's cum-dump, killer's fuckmeat, killer's slave, his obedient pet, his breeding stock, his pastime, his, his, his..."
The legend of a warrior; Chapter 58: Taking charge of the Future
killer had never before experienced a battle lost.
The legend of a warrior; Chapter 91 - Punishment
And shift around in ways that made killer snarl in anguish.
The legend of a warrior; chapter 3 - The two legends
But essentially killer is always killer.
The legend of a warrior; Chapter 41: Glacial – The Last Wing to Tear
And that, killer couldn't deny.
The legend of a warrior; Chapter 50: The Laws of Godhood
"killer... enough."
The legend of a warrior; Chapter 52: Flying on the wings of Tragedy
But black killer."
Roomies 2: Home, Sweet-WTF?!
killer's initial thought was that this was just a kid. max did say that kaard was older than killer but this bat couldn't be more than seventeen tops! "uh, hi" killer offered a handshake, "um, you're not my roommate are you?