Sex Ed

DISCLAIMER: Considering you had to sign a disclaimer just to get in here, I find this superfluous, but all the same. This story containts acts of a sexual nature between two anthromorphic males. Don't like it? There is a back button. My mate and I...

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Anemone High Ch. 3 - Teacher

==== Authors notes: This story contains graphic sex between two male characters. I've wanted to write a Teacher/Student piece of a while now. I'd also like to deticate this story to the Advanced Physics teacher I had a crush on in High School. Also,...

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Trucker Bears - Grunt

_[Toonces, the Driving Cat, the Cat Who Could Drive a Car]( If you enjoy the story, please leave a comment!_ --- Among truckers, you can always tell who's new by who grunts. It's not a...

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Ahs Voi S'Zhet.

**_Ahs Vois S'Zhet._** 'Wake up, my little Azertek...' A soft, silky voice cooed. 'I have been waiting, for, oh, so long...' Breath rolled down his chin, neck, and chest, like cool air across the hand from an iced fruit stick. ...

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Dinner Guest

'Hey-o, Second chapter of the series. Tried to work more on this one, catch some mistake, might have missed some, if so...oh well xD Anyhew! enjoy =3 -=@~@~@~@~@~@~@~@~@~@~@~@~@~@~@~@~@~@~@~@~@~@~@~@~@=- Dinner Guest' Each day of...

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Normally Monday morning is the worst of the week but today it was a different story entirely. With Kaytlin curled tightly against him Roy couldn't help but look forward to the rest of the day. Trying to slide his arm out from under her carefully his...

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Chapters, pt 3

Chapters, pt 3 copyright 2008 comidacomida Travis drifted for a time between the stages of asleep and awake, riding the currents of a euphoric existence somewhere beyond consciousness, but just peeking out from sleep. He felt the soft sheets...

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The Breeder's Temple: Prologue

_"Are we there yet, dear one?"_ _"Well, more or less, I can feel the water already, yes."_ The pair of large dragons were leading their family behind them, the whole bunch more than glad to get out of the lair for once and enjoy some time in...

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Pawing Party Gone Wrong

Kent made his way into the empty mansion on silent feet, removing his shoes to keep the old floor boards from creaking underneath his heavy steps. The large orca's friends were already inside waiting for him since Kent had been kept at home by his...

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Miners Unleashed Ltd.

For the Contest thingy with endangered species. Almost finished. Well, sorta. Gotta do the one with the rhino, and complete the panda/tiger scene, but hey, I'm getting there. _ **Miners Unleashed Ltd.** _ 13 million years in the future, and humans...

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Skipping a Generation

If you had asked me about Johannes Kaufmann when I was younger, I would have told you that he was the coldest, meanest old bear I had ever met. All I could gather about him during my adolescence was that he had attached himself to my family for reasons...

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High Card - A Parody

It is amusing sometimes to think of all the things throughout history done to elevate furkind from their feral ancestors. To sever ties and express with certainty that there is a greater gulf between furson and animal than thumbs. Clothes, elaborate...

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