After Practice Fun

Pete noticed luke come into the locker room out of the corner of his eye. him and luke had been friends for as long he could remember. their mom's knew each other when they were foals, so it was almost as if they had grown up with each other.

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New Kid

Curade stubbled to his feet and made his way to the locker room. "l-l-leon..." he managed to mumble before he passed out. leon, already dressed, rushed over to him. he dressed him the best he could and carried him out as the dismissal bell rang.

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pr0n Remix - Drayk and Kelina

The hyena's cheerful voice suddenly echoed through the locker room as she popped around the corner. he jumped and yelped as her exclamation startled his already racing mind.

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A Fighting Chance

The husky grabbed kiba by the back of his gi and started hauling him off to the locker rooms. "c'mon, grasshopper, bath time!" kiba kept his head down as they walked into the locker rooms--thankfully empty on the weekends.

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In My Wildest Dreams Part 13, Showdown With A Shorthair, This Time It's Fursonal

I woke on the most important day of my young life, with my lover in my arms. I had thought I would have a hard time sleeping because of the excitement, but our mating and then just being close to Gordon all night kept me at peace. We...

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A First Time After a Fist Fight

So here I am, pressed against this hulking mass of flesh that had been abusing me through all of Sophomore year. I press my knee farther into his chest, tears streaming down my face as I lower my screaming mouth down to his dazed eyes. I can hardly...

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Locker Room (Full Story)

Just behind them was the entrance to the men's locker room. he rushed in, bashing his way through the swinging door.

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Locker Room Stream Story 4: Locker Room Prank Backfired

The laughs of the dragon chased him out of the locker room, and when he reached the hallway, he started to dance. he lost track of what he was doing for a while.

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Chapter 14 - The Locker Room

The basement was quite large so it would take him a while before he found the locker room. it was filled with lockers, many of them still unused, perhaps to add more members later on.

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The Inevitable Locker Room Story

As expected, since the coach was always long-winded in his little "talks", the locker room was already completely deserted when i entered.

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Dirty and Raunch: The Locker Room

The locker room stank of males as raunch ran his paws along the green, grated doors of the lockers around him.

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locker room fun ;3

Life sucks. Older people say how lucky we are to be young but they don't know what we go through. They don't know the pain we face day after day. I'm one of those people who suffer more than most; life is hell for me and probably will be that way...

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