
No one has sympathy for the man down under--even though he draws the closest fascimile to one of us: hated, despised, mistrusted, always the malefactor. that's how we treat strangers--stranger danger.


Chapter 9 – Chamber of Midnight

If you decide to become one of us, you shall become a fury ... you shall become erinyes." "what's an alecto?" scootaloo asked. "you make it sound like i'll become some sort of monster."

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Strange Relationship

of us gotta let go of this i keep pushing and you keep holding on i'm already gone do you love me?

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Arena, Chapter 4

Every now and then, one of us will have to..." dylan took a deep breath and tried to slow his suddenly-pounding heart. "look, if any of you think we're about to stretch it out too far...hit me with a direct shot. kill me." "what?"

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Shattered Remains: Chapter 1

"congrats dude, you're one of us." thomas mumbled. eric reiterating the statement by doing a poor imitation of the aliens from toy story "one of of us." donna laughed and silenced him by tossing a pillow at his face.

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Old Photos

And even as we both grew old and grey, neither one of us once had the strength, to notice there was something wrong. with all the promises we should have kept.

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Heckle tweak

I'll stand by you , till one of us gets got. that's my promise. forever. don't look away! calm down, we've still got plenty of days... but i still miss when we could play, and nobody would send us away...

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Ragnarok - XXIV

What one of us would not ask, in your place? what one of us does not yearn to be in your place, though pain and fire you must pass through!" a grim voice echoed, "champion, beware!

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Devotion - The Offering

It is up to each and every one of us kobolds to discover for ourselves what we want. i merely discovered the truth and from that discovery, i have made new advancements that will help each and every one of us."

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Project Godlike: Memories are killer sometimes

Orison told us on the first day that the most surprising result was that one of us destroyed an entire company of slicers?"

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Unlikely Companion chap. 6: Recovering the flame of love

If anyone dares to give you anymore trouble, just tell one of us about it and we'll take care of them." nala nodded again then rested her head on chad's shoulder who rubbed her ear softly which made her purr quietly.

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We don't hate being micros chapter 10a - Restating the terms

Veir may be a micro, dad, but i grew up knowing him to be one of us. i can't pretend that we're so different, not after that." mr. koontz regards the two. "you love him?" he seems stumped, unsure of how to respond to that. "a micro?"

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