Curse of the Crinkle Crate | Chapter 8

Once cleaned up he sat down on his bed, grabbing a pen and paper off of his bedside table. he sat there, his back against his pillows and thought for a few minutes, mulling over exactly what he wanted to say to the box.

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The Legend Of Spyro: The Aftermath CH 9

Kai asked spyro pulled out a pen and paper "we first felt a connection during our first winter, when we had to huddle together to stay warm."

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Finding the Line Draft 1 CH 26

"can't we do this with pen and paper?" the cougar shrugged. "we could, but you're always going to end up doing them with your finger, might as well start now." denton licked his finger and did a spiral next to martin's.

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Chapter Three

I went over to the dresser and got out a pen and paper and quickly scribbled a note: _dear mom and dad,_ i'm sorry, but i have to leave, and i can't tell you where i'm going, just know that i'll be safe.

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Chapter 1 - Looking for new adventures?

He borrowed a pen and paper from one of the policemen, and wrote; -"wanna know what happened to the gym? come alone to the back alley after midnight." he folded the paper and bumped into the dragonkin.

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elemental years prologue/chapter 1

The dragon nodded "ok miss" the bunny walked over to a desk and sat down with a pen and paper "ok now create your armor and weapon."

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Just before he exited the car, eric took out a pen and paper, and wrote down his phone number and home address on it. handing the paper over to ariel, eric explained, "call me or visit me so i can return the favor for helping me."

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Ilorek's Loneliness 1 of 7

She quickly got out a pen and paper from her pocket and jotted down her numbers, finished up with a smiley face and some hearts. "here ya go, i'm done class at noon tomorrow. my afternoon's free." ilorek took the piece of paper gently.

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The Full Moon Clip

She washed her hands and dried them on a few paper towels, and grabbed the nearest pen and paper. words came to mind for a script.

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SY 07 - The Interview

He picked up his pen and paper. "i am, however, willing to learn. so: what, exactly, is a cradle?" with a grin, the raccoon sat forward and started to explain. "the concrete trough, as you called it, is a halfpipe.

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Tales from Anthracite City 6: Welcome to Anthracite City part 4

"it's an old pen and paper rpg that was... nevermind." adam replied. the visiting heroines nodded. as breakfast was eaten, the conversation continued and the strangers learned a little more about this unusual land and what they could expect.

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Chapter 1: Marcus

You can put your pen and paper away you don't need to take notes. you'll be able to remember everything i'm about to tell you. now i know you've speculated as to what the trials are i assure you... it's harder than anything you've heard.

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