Tournament's End 1
"i am a kobold," i said to the angel, "which means i'm crafty." i held the stick aloft, and with a flash of light, i was enveloped by the magical apparatus, sent off into a distant place, but to where exactly?
Christmas Kobold Orgy 2
Kit kit, krazic, and manmunie hop back and stand back-to-back in the middle of the chamber, the two magi preparing spells under their breath, while the crafty munie keeps his eyes out for any sort of trouble. "who's there!?" kit kit growls.
The Shattered Mirror
The hyena was too crafty, and always had his bodyguards, a fearsome group of five. nicholas even couldn't be caught as the homocidal golden laugh who slaughtered those deemed worthless by society.
Radasus vs Jeked 3
#38 of tik tik and the tournament of pleasure radasus is outnumbered by the army of humonculi provided by the crafty dr. jeked. will the adventurer kobold's skills help him overcome the numbers provided by the goblin?
The Portal Games: Mchumba's Promo
#8 of the portal games the determination to survive is a powerful thing, and this crafty rat has that in spades. but can she work with another team, off her ship?
Scott's Remote | Chapter 7
Since the author was a fox himself, scott had always admired as a child how roald dahl had captured the mischievousness and craftiness of the fox perfectly in the children's book.
Part One: Power Colors and Meanings
But what blue auras lack in power, they make up in their craftiness, and intelligence. they continuously train their powers, and a few even develop abilities that other auras cannot produce.
Charming the Tiger (Teaser)
This time, sly is in india and is a prisoner at the claws of rajan, but our crafty coon always finds a way out of these situations; this time, via the tiger's inflated ego. --- if you like these stories, consider joining me and wolfgang's patreon at http:/
Kinktober—2021 (Orgasm Denial)
"you're a crafty kitty," she said in a delicate voice, pointing her big toe at him.
Jayces first real day.
Monica sat beside him while he pet the both of them. " your crafty and crafty." isabelle blushed and giggled as she hugged him, kissing him deeply. "i thought you would enjoy that."
Merge - 06 - Connections
You're crafty; selfish; evil! why would you heal me?" kazar shook his head and put a paw on his chest theatrically. "matthew, you wound me. i may be a mage of the dark order, but that doesn't make me evil, though i won't deny being crafty or selfish.
Clean Fun (HH)
\* victor sure is one crafty dobie.