Alaskan Love

One of the new dvds he bought was an action film titled 'jacob candle' and a nature documentary about life in the siberian wilderness. no doubt something wonderful for us to watch after dinner the next evening.

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Group Therapy (Pilot Part)

But it wasn't; it was a documentary, and it dropped that unforgettably fun fact that when you look up into the night sky, the stars you see might not even look like that now.

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The new dinosaur (part1)

Dinosaurs: recreated" i said " sounds more like a documentary" she than said "how about... \*gasp\* cretce... no... how about... oh! mesozoic park!" i say "you know... thats good... thats a awesome name!" she said "thanks...

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Sonic the hedgehog

But this was just another boring sunday, so nothing was on except for boring golf, boring documentaries and boring european football. continuing her wandering, the young girl soon found herself on the upper floor, where all the bedrooms were.

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The Citrus Hotel: Preparation (Anthro TF/TGs)

They're truly amazing and should have their own documentary! i've rambled on enough so don't go anywhere! we'll be right back."

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Crash Landing

"plus, i got caught up in some documentary about this mixed-size holiday resort being planned off the coast of polcia. it was pretty interesting, all these different attractions and things they're looking at building there.

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Outcast - Chapter 17

In the documentaries, the real picture of a war is painted...and it's nothing like you see in the movies. in real life, war is dirty...painful...desperate.

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Legio Patra Nostra Chapter 3

A troop of horses stood all snorting softly, upon their backs, were more animals, well like allie and len, they were a mixed bag of creatures some i had only seen in zoos or on a documentary when i was young.

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Revolutionary Sex

Got inspired by the documentary the fandom to be more involved with the furry community naturally i wrote a pure smut story in under an hour. let me know what you think! revolution wasn't as glorious as one might think.

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Expired Magic

Like a perverse recreation of alice's outgrowing of the white rabbit's house sponsored by the supersize me documentary, the now-gigantic dinosaur's arms and legs stuck out of his house for a few precious moments before the rest of his expanding bulk made quick

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Good Dog

He spent a hundred on sat cable a month and all he seemed to watch was documentary shows, for 'education,' meaning wars. it wasn't even for the tanks or guys with guns. he just liked the narration.

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