Tyler the dragon: Needy moon
luna giggles. "you should be! you did all the work!" tyler snuggles close to her, feeling her soft fur. he places a wing over them both, as a blanket. "nighty night luna, i love you." luna hums and shuffles against him.
Twilight's Harem Havoc: Twilight’s Princess Lust
luna giggled. "yes, but i came so hard that i don't think i can ever forget it." twilight stared at her luna. "luna... that sounds terrifying. can't we just... touch like normal ponies?" luna smiled down at her. "aw, you're so cute, of course we can.
Luna's Island Chapter 2
#2 of luna's island luna's island chapter 2 luna sat down in the sand; the sun was rising as she wondered how long she was out. the water was crashing into the beach as a soft breeze blew by. luna shivered for a minute.
Becoming a Bunny Breeder - Chapter 3
luna shook her head and offered a smile.
Selene - Drastic Improvements
So luna made room.
Blitz and the Mischievous Necklace
luna, being luna, also thought about what he'd looked like gulping her down, causing her to blush, before she shook her head.
Luna Chapter 15 - Sticky, Sticky Fur
#15 of luna luna chapter 15 - sticky, sticky fur. round two in the fuck room, and almost immediately there is a problem.
Spring Break for Three
Both twins cumming in her pushed luna over the edge.
luna's tone was scandalised as she gasped, "t-twilight!"
Luna's Tale Chapter 4 - MuzzleBook Drama
luna was on her hands and knees just inside of her room with her large black and white mutt on her back. "bury that knot in me!" luna barked up to him.
luna and the shire go at it
The shire then turned and with both his back feet kicked luna in the head. luna flinched knowing what was coming, she cried. luna got hit and stayed down her face bleeding badly.
Chapter 17
luna looked at the unicorn. "whats the alternative?" luna asked. "a simple task really. i drew up a treaty.