Love for Sale: Chapter 9
This was how Chero remembered the rest of the day: Dante carried him home and he was very happy. He loved being so little that he could be moved with such ease. The body holding him had a beautiful male smell that made him feel safe right to the moment...
Sic Semper: Avingail Estates
Avingail Estate, home to Lord Arthur Penburrow, Count of Livery on Avin. Avin being an important river that runs through the flax producing Morgan Hills and feeds into the Ullux River that runs to Victory Bay, though through the Alexine Cannal. An...
Anthro Sex Squad Story 3 - Oaky's Story; Chapter 11
Anthro Sex Squad Story 3 - Oaky's Story By Killenor Arc 1 - Origins Chapter 11 "Is the council always like this?" Myco whispered to Sassafras. He had spent the entire day tending to her. He had poured fragrant liquids upon her aged, wrinkly...
Dasher: *waves politely* aw: and his user base wanes, because his site is lame, it's our furaffinity correspondent, good to see you again neer.
Sarah and Sam
I do not like Sarah Palin, Uncle Sam, I hate Sarah Palin, the evil woman. I would not praise her for a boat, I would not praise her for a fur coat, I would club her senseless to save a seal, I would shoot her arms off to hear her squeal. I do not...
War drums filled the air of the craggy shoreline and misty fields of the Neck with their slow, pulsed, paced, beat. The beating drums made Targus' taupe-and-auburn fur bristle, more than the sticky sea breeze that slicked his fur and carried the...
The High Road You Expect Us to Take To Oblivion
A fairly angry vent poem i made about then current political events.
Slave Trade - Conflicted
Lord talvin went through the list of people as if he were recounting a list of things to purchase at the market, "my first master, who was a political rival.
Lost Legend of Agrok Ch.5
She couldn't identify it, however and decided to just stay focused on the political work at hand.
The illegals and the hatred!
The second camera then showed a brown, tall male bear smiling really big and politely. ''good evening john, i want to thank you for joining us tonight.'' ''my pleasure.''
Cutting Floor
The twenty square acres of entrancing, if formalized beauty of the park, crossed by pathways so convenient that they might have been purposefully designed to lead from one centre of power to another, must he thought, have heard more secrets than any...
Always By Your Side
"what made a pup like you get involved in human politics?" why change the subject? matt didn't have the authority to challenge them, so he went along with it. "i think the current political arrangement abuses the little guy.