Reaching for the Stars - Chapter 45: Hollow Spring
I moved out from the orphanage and was given a room in the child recovery complex in barrowisle. i didn't have many friends, but it was okay. i'm well used to living alone.
An Unexpected Journey Ch. 3 Preview
_"You're gonna feel so good Ice. I'm gonna make you a properly bred bitch!" _Austin woke up in a cold sweat. He shot up and looked around his dorm only to see Luke and Will cuddled together under the blankets in their bed. He swung his legs over the...
Age of Heroes Ch02 Present Matters
recovery girl was the one who took care of me in the clinic." "recovery girl?" his mother nodded. "she's a great pro hero." "yeah, she is.
Dead Space Dissolution Chapter Three: Complications
So what the hell was that thing that killed the recovery team?" nobody answered. nobody seemed to have an answer. but it seemed all too clear to me. "it's what's left of the crew of that scaf ship."
Rise of the Alters: Prologue
The half-breed could only think and wonder to himself about how good a catch the recovery group had discovered.
Reaching for the Stars - Chapter 47: White Silence
There were some scars on the side of his muzzle, but they looked like they were on the way to recovery. his fluff was very dirty. putting the mirror down, he looked back at his friends.
Galactic Racing eXtreme, Episode 1, Part B
Thank dios for recovery crystals!" "thank dios for recovery crystals!" kaje agreed.
Substitution - Chapter 10
The news he had heard about his very slow recovery were not encouraging, but brantley had not let himself be demoralized.
Behind Yellow Eyes: Chapter 9
"who was the recovery team working for? and what were they paid to do with you?" i hadn't quite thought about it from that angle. i figured the recovery was just random happenstance.
Substitution - Chapter 8
Physical therapy and other supportive measures will of course begin, too, so that his recovery will be as swift as possible." "therapy?" brantley questioned.
Lovelocked - ultimate unfinished story framework accent core plus r
Talk about recovery. realize this is just another step in recovery. a support system is a step she missed. moving on. a reconfirmation that anon's the anchor she needs. epilogue. submission. \>\>an ending. "hey anon, you wanna get married?"
Chapter 5: Rehab During Andross Second Wave
Mccloud, thank you for helping my recovery. i wish that there was something that i could do to repay you guys, but i'm afraid that i can't do anything for now.