Disconnect - Chapter 1 and 2

scientific" in between gasping for air. the young girl walked cautiously on all four paws towards ember, ready to flee if needed.


The Shattered World - Concept

Greedy politicians and businesses were ignoring the warnings from the scientific community at large.

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Spacial Cliche

Rockets are off their rocker without scientific fiddling. basic mechanical advantage -applied science. rocket rock-and-roll; eerie thunder containing its own science. the science of silence -no rockets allowed.


another lab day

Fascinating scientific inquiry. "not sure what this one does! forgot to label it..." your caretaker grins. "but not like you'll mind, right?

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Gay Conversion Is Legal In Canada

They're cruel, dangerous and scientifically invalid. but in canada, you can get a tax credit for donating to them, (even though at least some of these "programs" are for-profit companies.)

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Rising Power - Chapter 6 + 7, The Alloy Furnace and Battle Vu'Eltrys

Lacking knowledge of the arcane and the scientific, their lives revolve around who brings home dinner.


Shattered Dementions: Apprenticeship

Nothing scientific worked that way. maybe if he had more of these machines, she could ask them. "registration complete. welcome kayla j. pridewing." the robotic voice beeped.

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Breaking The Monotony: Chapter 2

"older people call it multiple names, scientifically it's called a penis, but it's hardly ever called that among kids.

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Project Azura. Rescue in the Lazulai Sea

In the kelvin's case: conducting a non-invasive scientific examination of the primitive sentiments of the ocean.

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He slowly lifted his messy hand up to his face and was just about to lick it off when he had the scientific epiphany of the century.

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All About FluX

Flux or his "scientifically made up name" coyote industrialis is a green and black hybrid who is really comical and sometimes flaunt with his flirting. his paws can be caustic when agitated and life-giving when happy.

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