The Tail Clock

But he was imperfect as any fur, and the tail said what he deflected. the other fur in the room, haggard from lack of sleep, repeated, "so you were home today over lunch."

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Changing Tails

:p a young, twin tailed fox sat in almost complete darkness, his beautiful blue eyes just staring into a darkened corner of his room. miles tails prower, otherwise known as tails the fox, was in a world of inner turmoil.

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Frosties Tail

Frostpaw stepped off the train, his eyes squinting in the bright light. A big pair of ears twitched above him. He used his paw to shield his eyes from some of the light as he scanned the crowd, looking for some one. His bag was clutched tight to his...

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Shaking Tail

Tracey purred seductively, giving his tail a flirtatious little wag.

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Road Tail

Road tail by delcan xavier derek looked up as he heard someone enter the tour bus, turning his head towards the closed bedroom door.

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A collie's tail.

**a collie's tail (tracy's story).** this is set before the escape on the same farm.

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A Trick of the Tail

The otter continued to slid his tail in a few more times before pulling it out, rubbing the now warm tail gently with his paws as he blushed, "heh, sorry ether, tails getting a bit tired."

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Heads and Tails

To his delight, riok was staring beneath conri's tail and looking at his presenting hind as he approached. as the bronze climbed on top of the golden drake, conri shuddered. riok pushed his tail to the side, and a hind paw clenched his rear.

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Rip and Tail

Half-undressed still, the three-tailed vixen sat back down on the ground, hugging her knees up against her bare chest and curling her tails around her feet.

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Tailing the Guildsman

Anyone looking for a tail would have seen him immediately. so he stuck to the roofs instead. nobody ever bothered looking up, no matter how many times it was proven that was where the real threats came from.

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A Tail of Two

#3 of dark fates an adult interlude set between dark tails and tails and tribulations.

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