Liv's Day Off (A Jeeves Prompt, posted with permission)

Could see was the rounded bulge of tricia's pregnant belly, its sire unknown, but just as likely hers as being the offspring of marcus, of riley, or any of the myriad cocks that tricia had gleefully paraded through her pussy since she freed herself from the yolk

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The Sluts of Sherwood (A Jeeves Disney Prompt; posted with permission)

Too long we lived under the yolk of the sheriff's whims. too many times we sacrificed our hopes and dreams just to survive. no more. these lives we live are far too short, and we will not waste them hiding away like we were forced to under his tyranny."

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Ander - Chapter 6, Subchapter 1

Kiana's fork stopped half-way towards her mouth, her runny egg dripping yolk onto the plate. "no, i don't think so. you must be imagining things." layla's ears popped up from behind her book, closely followed by her eyes, peering over the pages.

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Bad Porn: Chapter Four

Looking over his shoulder to see the empty hallway, silas began swaying back and forth and dancing as he cooked his wife her breakfast, breaking eggs and pouring milk into a bowl, coating both sides of pieces of white bread with the mixture of yolk and milk

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Prevues of Upcoming Attractions

Blood and vitreous humor splatter outwards from the popped eyeball, running down the side of his head like the white and broken yolk of a cracked egg. _this is your brain on machete, any questions?

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Please call the babysitter

I nodded and pushed my thumbs into the egg and pulled it apart over the bowl and grinned when the yolk came out. he clapped my shoulder and smiled, "good job." he cracked the other one and then put the mix in before using the mixer on it.

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Ander's Zombies Ch. 3

A blur of black, white, and egg yolk flew past her and she wanted to shout out to her, but the words escaped her.

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Kamoya, the Mother of Monster Island - Part 4

Setting the egg she had in her arms in front of them, she leaned down and used her beak to break open the top, licking the yolk and white from her maw as she pulled away. "eat up children; there is plenty for all of you."

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Character Sheet: Lyla (hyper)

While not controlling like her mother, her father robert was under the same yolk. she eventually understood how he showed his affection while not incurring the wrath of his wife for 'spoiling her', helping him relax after long days at work.

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Aurora: Chapter Three: The Preparations

I noted this to pietro during breakfast--more liquefied cockroaches with a side of egg yolks. somehow, i wasn't afraid of the food pietro gave me, and neither was eva. perhaps it was because of how he took care of me. oh no!

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Ander - Chapter 3, Subchapter 18

The wolves were the shell, the fire the yolk. and standing in the empty space between them was ander. all alone in the white. "... begin."

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Legend of the OmeletWings - Chapter 11: Market

She couldn't tell if these feelings made here want to burst out laughing or crawl in a hole and never show her face to the world again, but there were mudwings all around, and she didn't need them asking her what in the three egg yolks (or three moons as dragons

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