Chemical Assistance

# _ **Chemical Assistance** _ A_ **Chronoverse** _ Short Written by Xial in 2014 (CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 licensed) * * * Preface This is a short story based upon my_Chronoverse_, a universe where the star that should be at the middle is a core of...

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Chapter 1 – The Invasion of Amber

A few of my scouts are saying they saw a column of heavy armor moving toward us from that direction," black said. â "yes sir.

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In The Inn

Surprisingly enough it could hold all the heavy armor. he then reached down the take the leggings and boots off, leaving him in his underwear.

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Where Love ends and War starts

But though, the noise of heavy armor rubbing over scales was filling those empty corridors of the aethria-bulwark, the last defensive point for dragons, or at least, some of them.

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FR11: I know what you lost

Sid trotted after as fast as the heavy armor would allow him after the long day already passed. the camp was quiet and the rings were empty.

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heavy armor was not used due to the fact it fatigued the person who was wearing it, and since it was heavy, your mobility was slower than wearing tighter clothes.


heavy armor was not used due to the fact it fatigued the person who was wearing it, and since it was heavy, your mobility was slower than wearing tighter clothes.

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Fuckers light rolling in heavy armor and lugging around flaming swords. a lot of people complained the build was too good, but i found them boring.

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Tipsy escapades

I'm just wearing my heavy armor because i didn't want to get unused to it."

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Favor of the clan lord

Starting with the straps that secured the chest piece, he removed it, revealing his muscled chest, a thin layer of sweat clinging to his scales as he bent over and set the piece of heavy armor down gently onto the floor.

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Children of Earth - Part 3

With more dropships landing reinforcing the infantry with heavy armor and the fire being rained down upon them, the elves realize their situation is hopeless.

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Annun - Pathfinder Custom Race

**skald** : reduce the arcane spell failure chance for casting skald spells when wearing heavy armor by 1%. once the total reduction reaches 10%, the skald also receives heavy armor proficiency (if the skald does not already possess it).

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