Zootopia: Hors D'oeuvres

Bonnie Hopps was caught up in the bustle of the event, hardly able to keep track of only a hundred of her children, much less all two-hundred and seventy-five of various ages. Their Bunnyburrow farm was hosting a foreign dignitary! The ambassador from...

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In Darkness, Every Rose Is Black - Chapter 03

kit gives zeeke a stiff look at that comment. "heck," zeeke continues, "you're so small and scrawny, like kit, actually, i bet you'll have a sore arse before we pass-" "shut your muzzle, zeeke," kit snaps suddenly.

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So I Heard...

kit giving a cheerful wink "you'll get to bury that in me soon enough, ya sexy 'fable. but i figure we should help show the others how much cum the big boy gives."

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We Regatta Get To Egypt

kit gives her a "seriously?" look. "what? paul & phil aren't terrible." "true. and they didn't seem like the deceptive type. but either way, they're gone and we're still here." "well, who do you think should join us?" "how about vince & sam?

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The Same Heartbeats Chapter 3

And later the silver rabbit watched his brother with wounds, he dashed to find the first aid kit giving it to his mother. paula recieved the kit and took his backpack, trying to clean the excesive blood on his fur.

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The adult arctic vixen queried, hugging her kit, giving a kisslick on hir cheek. "yes momma." shi replied, returning the kisslick as shi handed the report card to hir mom to read. "daddy home?" illumanati asked, hir tail wagging.

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Tales of enslaved Foxytaurs 3 part1

May kit give my cub its feed...?" secretly the now tired 13 year old just wanted to see his breeder's impressive shaft once more. even after that he was somewhat horny.

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Chapter 30: Passion that burns (Ozwot)

"fine be that way" oz spoke a little annoyance in his voice makeing kit give a tilt of his head a little later oz was just coming out of a costume shop. "what where you doing in there oz?"

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Bunny Invasion: Hidden Dangers

The last thing she wanted was to be used as a bargaining chip to make kit give up a part of herself. yet losing her was a terrifying prospect.

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In Darkness, Every Rose Is Black - Chapter 10

kit gives me another kiss, a good and proper one on my lips, and tells me that he loves me with his own words, before he heads off to resume his service.

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Meat the dragon

"turns out, this kit gives you everything you need to make pork noodles. except... the pork." he said with a tone of defeat.

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Chance and Pon

Pon slaps again, the kit giving out a sharp cry. "pon stop!" smack! "it hurts!" smack! "stop it!" chance sobs, tears streaming down his cheeck. smack! "you" smack! "will" smack! "call!"

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