I was once like those little filly's, i chose to be my master's maid and as such rose high enough into the rank to be able to lead all of the maid in the castle and tend to my master's room personally."
Abuse, Action, Adult, Adult Content, Adventure, Anal, Ass, Bad Language, Bareback, Big Boobs, Bisexual, Booty, Breeding, Bukkake, Clit, Cock, Cumshot, Demon, Demoness, Discipline, Doggystyle, Drama, Dystopia, Equine, Experience Play, Explicit, F/F, F/M, Fanfiction, Fear, Fellatio, Female, Fighting, Flirtation, Fondling, Forced, Gagging, Gender Shifting, Hard-On, Heavypetting, Hell, Horror, Humiliation, Humping, Impregnation, Inserting, Lesbian, M/F, MLP, Male, Mating, Mild Abuse, Mild Bondage, Mild Spanking, Mild Violence, Muscles, My Little Pony, Oral, Orgasm, Psychological, Rape, Rough Sex, Rules, Sex, Sexy, Shapeshifting, Size Difference, Story Progression, Straight, Tailhole, Violence, Violence (Not In Yiff), Virgin