Of Mice & Manhoods: November

Mitzi Carrington--not her real name--was a queen of the tabloid television kingdom. She was beautiful in every sense of the word, the work of an absolute consummate artisan. His chisel had sculpted from simple flesh a face of delicate perfection, with...

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Dreamy Downpour

The minute hand ticks on by, never missing a beat nor tick. by design and through supply, it serves to tell naught but time. the minute man walks on by, ever wishing a match would light.

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Taboo Preview: The Rising of the Moon Over the Atlantic

"you never miss a beat i see." i crossed my arms in front of my chest. "we are two days out of southampton and are now out in t'e middle of the atlantic ocean. it's three days to new york.

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Catnip Ch.4

I slid off my chair, and bast kept her mouth suctioned around my cock never missing a beat. i lay on my back and motioned bella over to straddle my face, which she did quickly.

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The Tables Turned: Part 3

"well, lee" the tiger continued, never missing a beat "you really fucked up, man. i mean, you really got mistress lydia pissed off."

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The Ty’aka

He danced and twirled across the stage, never missing a beat, the ribbons and the fires encircling him as though they were one and the same.

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FLASH Story 2: The Online Video

The fox closes his eyes and starts to hump softly in dustin's maw, dustin never missing a beat at sucking and fondling the fox's balls, moaning and murring on the fox's member.

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The Lake-House

He began to work like clockwork and never missed a beat as he began to slowly take more and more of the enormous cock inside of his throat.

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The Rhino's Horn- An 'Endangered Species Contest' entry

The tigress turned, and she was riding my horn, never missing a beat in her oral attentions. i can believe it! she's on the little second horn, and she's slipped it into her cunt. as she sucks and slurps, i can feel her secretions dripping into my mouth.

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Two's Company, Three's A Orgy - Pt2

His view of the mirror back again he can only look on as the fox climbs on top of him, the latex of the suits squeaking against each other while the fox positions himself on all fours, john never missing a beat in the process, lifting his head he sees the

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the Prince and his Guardian

Sighing, garr flexed his muscles and lifted ryu, never missing a beat as he kept thrusting. pinning ryu to the wall, garr opened the door wide, letting rei get an eye full of his cock buried deep in ryus ass.

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Party to a Yiff!

The old bear snorted, never missed a beat in his reloading. the young stud blushed at the old bruins words. but quickly trotted off to the bath room to relieve himself. the old bear shook his head, now he was letting other furs laid.

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