The Beginning of a New Race: Chapter Five

#6 of the beginning of a new race this might be one of the last uploads for a while, but things might change just as the weather in my hometown. the beginning of a new race chapter five the night had come and gone without giving me any sleep.

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The Beginning of a New Race: Chapter Four

The beginning of a new race chapter four "what the hell am i?" my body was plagued with tremors of terror and hatred. i was trapped in my own body, not able to escape from this terrible transformation.

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The Beginning of a New Race: Chapter Eight

#9 of the beginning of a new race so i guess this took long enough. i'm pretty sure i'm going to make this event a three part kinda thing, only because i want you peeps and furs to see it asap. i've taken waaaayyy to long on it as it is already.

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The Beginning of a New Race: Chapter Seven

#8 of the beginning of a new race well hello there old friends! i know you'd probably smack me if i were to stand in front of you for not uploading for so long, but the past is the past!

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The Beginning of a New Race: Chapter Ten

#11 of the beginning of a new race wow, two post in less than two weeks!?!?! that's like, not even possible, is it? the beginning of a new race chapter ten "soo... now what? am i going to start feeling things again?"

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The Beginning of a New Race: Chapter Nine

#10 of the beginning of a new race here it is, after a good long while of waiting on everybody's part. i've tried to upload this for a good week and a half now, but kept getting this error message... annoying, to say the least.

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Chapter One: The Human Inside

What did it mean to lose your humanity? What was humanity? Was it just something that they all had inside them? Was it a state of being? Or was it something only a human could have? In Clove Riverdin's opinion they all had some bits of humanity in...

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The Slave And The Unitaur

But she knows that if she does not help them their deaths will be meaningless and she will abandon the new race that will never come to take over the village as vincent will die not fulfilling his roll to father the new race ever.

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The Rise of Serpens: The Reptile God Revealed

He initially intended to mutate the reptiles of the world into a new race of dinosaurs, starting with the zoo.


A New Life in a New Body: Characer Bios pt 2

It is possibly to genetically alter humans to track these that are changed or close to changing, however these would be unable to reproduce, but they would also be unable to change into this new race.

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When the Heavens Fall

A large pretty pristine island in the middle of a large lake seemed to us a great spot to start a new race.

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