The Meeting of Royal Blood

Even without the lavish silks and jewelry, anyone could tell with one glance at him that he was of royal blood. korbin admired him from a distance, sitting behind his twin sisters as they bickered between each other.

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2. Mate again

#2 of royal blood part two of the story, slowly the plot gets complicated as jack needs to decide how he would continue his fate from now on, just to think what the family will think when they find out.

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Lion King 2: Version 2 - Chapter 3: Of Royal Blood

Morning had come over the Pride Lands. Kopa, however, was still in the process. The young lion prince was almost fully grown, but still had some skin to fill. The brown patch of hair that merely rested on his head as a cub had flourished into...

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Hybrid: CH 9: Heart to Twin Hearts

The family i was stolen from had some royal blood. mental links between royalty cannot be overheard as long as we don't purposefully broadcast them." "i didn't know you had royal blood. it does help explain a few things though...

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The Sylarium : Part 7

I'll try... using royal blood?" thorolos said. he wasn't completely sure what he was doing, but then again, he didn't know what he was doing when he opened the cell.

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chapter five

**character** b is of royal blood and _seems_ to have no idea that there are royal blood. variations 1x1 rp group rp human and anthro mix other genders can be played as well.


Path of a Legend Chapter 8

"oh so now you only wanted me because i have royal blood." kathlyn smield and nuzzled his cheek. "star i have loved you long before you told your cousin was the king.

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The Royal Dragon Blood Mark

The book is titled 'marks of royal blood'. it turns out on page 346, the family of 'drakon' appears yet there is no photo of them. they are the main family in this book.

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Bloody King

So they are 'royal blood' but they aren't. they forced their blood packs i heard a few snuck into the royal guard so that one day they can capture the kingdom. "you're a traitor!" he covered my mouth as i tried to yell for people.

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A little royal blood was never going to save you." the wolf tugged her closer, mallory yelping as the gold of her crown dug into her neck. "but the more you struggle, the more sure i am that you'll make me an _excellent_ heir."

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Astora part 3

Dante also fell into the land of the legion however he is of royal blood, which makes him a segetsu and not able to know. they walked to the meeting room where the other royal blood sit in debate.

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Finding My Husband in Another World: Season 3: Chapter 2: The Network

"yes, those of the royal blood have a skill that gives them this ability." "so there is a royal here that could release me?" she looked away, "yes master, but they have been ordered not to." i nodded, "are you the one?" "no! i have no royal blood.

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