Cold as Steel (A Flexible Survival Fan Fiction) Part 6
Random Newscasters: ...Military officials overseeing containment efforts clarified this afternoon that the private entity known as 'Zephyr Incorporated' is not a government contractor and are urging all members of the public near and within...
The Digimon Wars Chapter 5 Aftermath
Confused the secretary of defence asked. ''what are you saying?'' ''what i'm about to say will sound very unbelievable but i think it's true, i think that the blue monster was a human at some point.''
Superiority Chapter 2
He skimmed over the budget, and quickly sent his approval to the secretary of defense. "at least, i can buy a lot of weapons, even if i don't have anyone to give them to." he chuckled to himself.
Secrets and Lies chapter 2
"has been based on secrets and lies kai, every bit of it." the secretary of defense said. kai looked stunned, "w-what do you mean secrets and lies?" "what dave means is....."
LiM Ch13 (FINAL!): Fission and Fusion.
I recognized the secretary of defense sitting opposite none other than grant. i gave both a salute which the secretary of defense, to my surprise, returned. grant was a bit too off-guard to be quick about it.
a tail of magic and mystery chapter 5
I get the call from the secretary of defense. first he gives me a plan to be inserted as a commando to take out defense targets for the sea landing. i give him an option of having me as the entire force. he asks me how.
Secrets and Lies chapter 3
of defense, i'm sure he's still home.
Tales from the Hall of Heroes, A Riders Choice
The chiefs of staff for the other services were there, along with the secretary of defense and the president himself, accompanied by his standard entourage of secret service agents.
A tail of magic and mystery chapter nine
Then the in flight phone rings, it is the secretary of defense telling me that we have gone to alert status delta. it is the highest level of alert for the military.
Introduction To The WarZone
The secretary of defense however, offered him an alternative to the annihilation of his kind. this choice, would determine the outcome his peoples was of life, and ultimately the world.
The queen is the wife of the chieftain, and she rules over all decisions in the tribe and/or village, while the chief does the same, but on a lower scale and can be seen as more of a secretary of defense while the queen is the commander in chief.
Ars Technica Digimonae 10: Politics
Coming in behind me is general hayes and secretary of defense matthew shillaci."