the war part one the begining

Ichigan was planning something in his place of headquarters with his men "my men we will move to attack the presumed area were the vampire lord resides so prepare to move out."

The Marine's Battle

Slowly, he was coming around to what the vampire lord was doing with a rush of dread. his eyes went wide in some confusion to feel his touch. "yes, mitch?" the vampire lord asked, in a coy tone of mocking concern at the marine's look of growing panic.

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Krieger der Nacht

Später klärte sie der general auf sein vater der vampir lord hat ein ritual benutzt um ein portal zu öffnen und talen zu retten dabei verbrauchte er aber all seine lebenskraft und starb.

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Familiar Taste of Poison Ch.1

Chapter 1: The Damsel in Distress Ice shimmered in the trees as the sun's light peeked over from beyond the mountains, the morning's dawn wakening the birds in it's coming. A tall nord tugged his cloak tighter around his shoulders as he tromped...

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The Price of Arrogance

Tonight, i would be the first to slay a vampire lord.

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Fangs and Tusks [1/?]

This vampire, shurod, used to be a normal orc, but then he got in a fight with a vampire lord. he managed to win, but at the cost of being bitten. as a consequence, he was infected with vampirism.

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Xanamir Winterthorn - An Elder Scrolls Character Profile

Something i really would like to do is have xanamir become a vampire lord, but have it interact strangely with his slumbering beast blood and the changes sanguine did on him (not to mention having swallowed some of sanguine's blood) to make his vampire

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The Villain's Web

This was the vampire lord. phoebe didn't know what to say. she didn't quite know what to do either, which was unusual for her.

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Darkness Rising Chapter Three

With those words, ariel balled his right hand into a fist, and punched the vampire lord right in the jaw.

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Story Request #1 - muscledragonwolf18

Great wings that blotted out the moonlight indicated his immense power, for only the dreaded vampire lords possessed wings, and if one of them was here...

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Ultimate Furry Crossover: An Adult Choose Your Own Adventure Entry 14

[[](] "you are a fool, demitri," said a voice in the vampire lord's head.

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The Story of Legoiceking Furditore

His second challenge was to face a vampire lord which was too much for the cubs mind. lego to this day still prefers not to talk about the wars with the vampires.

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